Seminário Geometria em Lisboa – Tristan C. Collins
“SYZ mirror symmetry for del Pezzo surfaces and rational elliptic surfaces” - 17h...
“SYZ mirror symmetry for del Pezzo surfaces and rational elliptic surfaces” - 17h...
“Loops in the fundamental group of Symp (M, ω) which are not represented by circle actions”. - 17h...
“On the space of Kähler metrics” - 17h - via Zoom...
“The rectangular peg problem”- 17h...
Tema: “Topology and the Yang Mills functional” - 17h, via Zoom....
"Weak SYZ conjecture for hypersurfaces in the Fermat family" - 17h, via Zoom...
“Hyperbolic band theory” - 17h, via Zoom...
“Berry's Phase, TKN^2 ntegers and All That: My work on Topology in Condensed Matter Physics 1983-1993” - 13h - via Zoom...
“Eigenstate Thermalization, random matrices and (non)local operators in many-body systems”, 17 h, via Zoom...
“Deformed Airy kernel determinants: from KPZ tails to initial data for KdV”, 17h, online...
“Floquet higher-order topological insulators: principles and path towards realizations” - 17h, via Zoom...
“Hydrodynamic framework for out-of-equilibrium entangled many-body systems” - 17h, online...
“Localizing the Donaldson-Futaki invariant” - 17h - via Zoom...
“Lagrangian cobordism and Chow groups”, 17h...
“Topological Data Analysis and Deep Learning.” - 18h, via Zoom...
“Graph Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition in Particle Physics.” - 18h...
“Combining knowledge and data driven methods for solving inverse imaging problems - getting the best from both worlds”, 15h, via...
“Anderson localization and local eigenvalue statistics”, 17h, via Zoom...