Seminário Probabilidades e Estatística – Joaquim Ferreira
“COVID, uncertainty and clinical trials”, 11h...
“COVID, uncertainty and clinical trials”, 11h...
Realizar-se-á no dia 18 de junho de 2020, às 11h, online, um Seminário de Probabilidades e Estatística. Orador: professor Igor Kravchenko...
No dia 28 de maio de 2020, às 11h, realizar-se-á mais um Seminário de Probabilidades e Estatística através da plataforma Zoom. Oradora: professora Cláudia Nunes...
“How we discovered the Higgs ahead of schedule ML's role in unveiling the keystone of elementary particle physics”, 17h00...
“Reinforcement Learning and Adaptive Control”, 17h30...
“Learning from distributed datasets: an introduction with two examples” - 17h30...
“Climate action and cooperation dynamics under uncertainty”, 17h30...
“Path integral control theory”, 17h30...
“Efficient Bayesian computation by proximal Markov chain Monte Carlo: when Langevin meets Moreau”, 17h30...
“Computation, Statistics, and Optimization of random functions”, 17h30...
“The learning machine and beyond: a tour for the curious”, 17h30...
“A construction of Dk asymptotically locally flat gravitational instantons from Atiyah-Hitchin and Taub-NUT geometries”, 17h...
Mario Garcia-Fernandez (ICMAT, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) - “Gauge theory for string algebroids” - 17h...
“Probabilistic aspects of toric Kahler geometry”, 17h, via Zoom....
“Symplectic embeddings and infinite staircases” - 17h, via Zoom...
Alessia Mandini (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro) - “Quasi-parabolic Higgs bundles and null hyperpolygon spaces” - 17h...
“Non-commutative integrable systems and their singularities” - 17h...
“Topological phases $3+1D$ : the Higher Lattice Gauge Theory Model and its excitations”, 11h...