Seminário Geometria em Lisboa – Ana Peón-Nieto
“Higher wobbly bundles”. - 16h...
“Higher wobbly bundles”. - 16h...
“Resolving the rank 2 Hitchin system by compactified Jacobians of semi-stable curves”. - 16h30...
“The Gromov width of Lagrangian complements”. - 16h30...
Título: “What is the right combinatorics for spheres in K3 surfaces?” - 16h30...
Título: “On very stable bundles”. - 16h30...
“E-polynomials and geometry of character varieties.” - 16h30...
“Khovanov homology and the search for exotic 4-spheres” - 16h30...
“On symplectic capacities and their blind spots”. - 16h30...
“Smoothability of non normal stable Gorenstein Godeaux surfaces” - 16h30...
Título: “Looking at the Euler flows through a contact mirror” - 16h30...
Título: “Homotopy type of equivariant symplectomorphisms of rational ruled surfaces.” - 16h30...
Título: “Symplectomorphism groups, strict contactomorphism groups, and non-equivalent symplectic embeddings of convex domains.” - 16h30...
Título: “Harmonic branched coverings and uniformization of CAT(k) spheres”. - 16h...
Título: “The nilpotent cone in rank one and minimal surfaces” - 16h30...
“On the number of fixed points of periodic flows.” - 17h...
“Aspects of abelianization: exact WKB, classical Chern-Simons theory and knot invariants” - 17h...
“Towards a polarization-free quantization” - 17h...
“Duality and coproducts in Rabinowitz-Floer homology” - 17h...