
Palestra American Corner – Maryann P. Feldman

Técnico - Campus Alameda

“The Demise of the Local: Digitalization, Platforms, and Neoliberalism”. - 17h

No âmbito da parceria do Instituto Superior Técnico com a Embaixada dos EUA relativa ao programa “American Corners Portugal”, é promovida pelo American Corner@Técnico mais uma palestra com uma oradora americana. O evento tem o apoio do Departamento de Engenharia e Gestão (DEG) e do Centro de Estudos de Gestão (CEGIST) do Técnico.

• Data: 20 de junho 2022, segunda-feira
• Hora: 17h00
• Local: Pavilhão Central, Sala de reuniões.

• Oradora: Maryann P. Feldman (Heninger Distinguished Professor, Department of Public Policy, University of North Carolina & Research Director, UNC Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise, Chapel Hill NC, USA).

• Título: “The Demise of the Local: Digitalization, Platforms, and Neoliberalism”.

• Resumo:
Technological change based on data, algorithms, andthe cloud expand choices, providing access to information on a scale previously unimaginable. Increasingly this new technology is embedded in, and contributes to a widening income and opportunity distribution. Many early pundits predicted that technology would increase economic and democratic participation and spread opportunity globally. The opposite has occurred — technology shifts local human-scale and personal interactions to impersonal but highly automated and globally scalable operations. Reinforced by corporate and government policy, local agency and autonomy are eroding and, as a result, proximity effects may be dissipating.

• Moderador: Rui Baptista (professor catedrático, DEG/IST; CEGIST).