Computer and Network Services
The Computer and network services Division (DSI) manages and coordinates Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the various campuses of IST. DSI is responsible for Information Technology (IT) resources, the network infrastructure and as well as the IST’s central information systems, of which we enhance the FenixEdu™ academic application system.
Since the core of the network of ULisboa is located at IST Alameda campus, DSI is also responsible for managing the backbone network of ULisboa, as well as the management of some transversal services to ULisboa.
Storage and backups
AFS storage technology and backup.
Authentication and access
B-on access, CAS, SAML e Kerberos authentication, Web Proxy, certificates and Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).
Acquisition, management, maintenance and support of computer equipment.
Email resources
Email, mailing lists and request-tracking (RT).
Networks and connectivity
Physical network, wireless network and virtual private network (VPN).
Data and servers
Databases, system clock synchronization, web page storage and Unix shell.
Telephone lines, voice over IP, videoconference and streaming.
Licensing, management and provision of software to the community.