Recruitment at Técnico
The placement of graduate students in the labour market is one of the priorities at Técnico. Students and recruiters have at their disposal several programmes and activities that improve job matching, internships and summer jobs, among others.
Técnico has created the Career Discovery@Técnico – Técnico’s Students’ Career Discovery Program – aiming to provide its graduates the best options within their professional area and provide companies the opportunity to know suitable high-potential employees.
Several initiatives have been implemented within Career Discovery@Técnico, such as the Técnico Career Weeks (at the beginning of the 2nd semester, on March), the AEIST Jobshop (April/May) and the Técnico Summer Internships. Companies can manage and disclose job offers through the Técnico Job Bank.
For more information see the webpage of Technology Transfer Area (TT@Técnico) or contact by e-mail: pe@tecnico.ulisboa.pt.