Social Media Directory
Técnico on Social Media
Instituto Superior Técnico has thousands of social media followers who follow Técnico official accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube), and other Técnico related accounts.
Técnico’s presence on Social Media comes through its Departments, Research Units, Research Groups, Student Groups, projects and initiatives developed by the Técnico community, central services, among others.
This website aims to reflect not only the diversity of websites, community members and target audiences, but also the unity and coherence they share with each other.
Social Media Guide
Prepared by the Communication, Image and Marketing Area of Instituto Superior Técnico, this document is a reflection point for the Técnico community around objectives, expectations, ways of working, responsibilities, definition of messages, image and audiences target, good practices in the management and production of content for Social Media.
It is aimed in particular at those responsible for the pages of the various social networks, such as communication professionals, teachers, researchers, technical and administrative staff and/or other people who do or intend to manage content for social networks.
The production of this Guide took into account the different resources, target audiences, capacities and needs that each page may have and tries to establish a basis that is useful to all, also focusing on what they all have in common. Its writing was also a collaborative effort, which included the consultation and inclusion of contributions from different members of the community.
Social Media training sessions
Communication, Image and Marketing Area supports Técnico community by:
- Promoting regular training sessions in Social Media
- Giving support to the existing social media accounts
- Analysis of the need to create new social media accounts, ensuring a coherent communication strategy.
Members of Técnico community who are considering creating a social media account or reviewing an existing one, can contact the ACIM team.
Contact: comunicacao@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
Previous training sessions:
11th October 2021, 10 a.m. | “Redes Sociais: Estratégia, Identidade, Envolvimento”
Trainers: Joana Lobo Antunes and Sílvio Mendes
18th October 2021, 10 a.m. | “Redes Sociais: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin e Youtube”
Trainers: Joana Lobo Antunes and Sílvio Mendes
19th October 2021, 10 a.m. | “Redes Sociais: Estratégia, Identidade, Envolvimento”
Trainers: Joana Lobo Antunes and Sílvio Mendes
20th October 2021, 10 a.m. | “Redes Sociais: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin e Youtube”
Trainers: Joana Lobo Antunes and Sílvio Mendes
Social Media Hub
Técnico Official accounts
Técnico's Campi
Teaching at Técnico
Research at Técnico
Técnico students
Técnico services
Arts, Sports, Leisure and Alumni