Técnico Identity Card
Técnico card identifies the holder as a member of IST community and will gradually be improved with new features such as access to buildings, parking areas, and it also works for printing services with cost control.
The card will include the card holder’s name and profile within IST community.
You can optionally choose to link the card to an account at Banco Santander Totta.
Access to buildings
The card can be used to access buildings in the three campuses.
The card can be used to access parking spaces (card activation is required, please contact Fénix).
Printings and Copies
The card can be used for both copying and printing once it’s charged.
Discounts and promotions
Provides access to protocols and agreements with a broad set of partners.
Find out how to apply for Técnico card
The new Técnico card results from a collaboration protocol between Banco Santander Totta and Instituto Superior Técnico.
Técnico Identity Card can have banking services associated. However, the subscription of any banking service and/or opening of bank account are strictly optional.