Undergraduate Programmes
(1st cycle and integrated masters).
Masters Programmes
(2nd cycle and integrated masters).
PhD Programmes (3rd cycle).
Técnico offers a wide range of academic programmes (1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles), attempting to respond to market changes and investing in continuous training.
Técnico has increased its innovation capacity over the past years, namely through the development of new technologies that will bring added value and generate economic development.
In this context, postgraduate training appears as an experimental field on technological innovation and scientific research. Técnico has had a prominent role in this area, standing out from other higher education institutions.
Study at Técnico is an experience for life. Técnico promotes excellence in teaching, counting on a highly qualified faculty, and provides a unique training offer that was considered the most comprehensive in the country.
Técnico offers a whole range of international programmes aimed at mobility in Master and PhD programmes, internships and research projects. Several supporting structures are provided, whose main purpose is to contribute to a full integration of students, promoting their academic success at Técnico.
The employment rate is one of Técnico’ s success factors: 91,4% of IST graduates get a job within 6 months after graduation; 44,1% of IST students get a job even before graduation; and 73% of the 2nd cycle graduates (masters) are employed in their field of study.
Técnico provides important resources to its students, contributing to a continuous improvement of results.
The main goal is to improve access to relevant information for students in one of the most prestigious Schools of Architecture, Engineering, Science and Technology, acclaimed both nationally and abroad.