Mobility Programmes
Erasmus+ Agreements
Bilateral Agreements
More than 50 Double Degrees (MSc, PhD)

Double Degree Programmes
The Double Degree Programmes allow master’s students to spend a period of study at Técnico and another period at a partner university, with a valid double degree agreement with Técnico. In the end, students obtain two Master’s Diplomas from the two universities.

Credit Programmes
Credit Programmes are national or international mobility programmes that have the duration of one academic year or one semester. Students receive a certificate with grades and credits after completing the programme.

Internships Mobility
Técnico students may apply for the following internship programmes:

Intensive Short Duration Courses
Intensive short duration courses are national or international mobility programmes aimed at 1st and 2nd cycle students, with the duration of one week. Students receive a certificate with grades and credits after completing the mobility programme.
All programmes are the sole responsibility of the International Mobility and Partnerships Office.