
Career Discovery Session | Alameda

Abreu Faro amphitheatre, Interdisciplinary Building, Alameda Campus

28th September, at 12 p.m., in Abreu Faro amphitheatre, Interdisciplinary Building, Alameda Campus

Date: 28th September
Hour: 12 p.m.
Venue: Abreu Faro amphitheatre, Interdisciplinary Building, Alameda Campus
More information: Official Site I Registration I Email:

«In the next Career Discovery Session, the participants will find out about all the activities and initiatives that the Técnico Career Center is preparing for this academic year.

This session promises information and valuable resources on building a successful professional career.

Various topics will be addressed in this presentation, which will allow participants to:

  • Discover a wide range of career development activities and initiatives tailored to their needs and aspirations;
  • Get to know the dates of the next Career Training Workshops, where they can learn how to write a CV, a Cover Letter or how they can prepare for a job interview;
  • Find out more about internship opportunities or how the Técnico Summer Internships work;
  • Find out about all the initiatives involving the companies of the Técnico Partner Network, such as “Meetup with a Company” or the “Company Presentation Sessions”;
  • Learn about all the initiatives with Técnico alumni, precious allies in students’ academic journey.

Places are limited.

By participating in one of the Career Center activities, students can request a certificate of participation that can be used to apply for accreditation of extracurricular activities. To this end, it is necessary to send an e-mail to after the event».