
Técnico Theatre Group – “Bagatela em Lá Menor”

Thetare room, Técnico - Alameda Campus

23rd, 24th, 26th and 28th May, in the Thetare room, Técnico - Alameda Campus

Date: 23rd, 24th, 26th and 28th May
Hour: 9 p.m. (23rd, 24th and 28th May) / 7 p.m. (26th May)
Venue: Theatre room, Técnico – Alameda Campus
More information: Instagram I Book a ticket

«The Técnico Theatre Group (GTIST) is pleased to announce the play “Bagatela em Lá Menor”, directed by Gaya de Medeiros.

Life isn’t that unpredictable. On any given street, everything repeats itself: faith runs, emotion collapses, fear protects, and truth barks. Some people create strategies to avoid suffering so much. Some people want to make nature sweeter. Be careful. People feel everything. People get involved with everything.»