
The Instituto Superior Técnico cannot be held liable for lack of truth, incorrect information, inaccuracy, errors and inconsistencies that may be found in the contents of this portal, even though it shall make every effort to correct them, when detected.

Likewise, the Instituto Superior Técnico cannot be held liable for lack of truth, incorrect information, inaccuracy errors and inconsistencies that may be found in contents of other portals or websites, and over which it does not have any control, where the hypertext links refer to, also known as hyperlinks or links in this Portal.

Users’ Data

The relevant services of the Instituto Superior Técnico are authorized to make the automatic processing of users’ data within the provisions of the Portuguese Law that apply to personal databases. The Instituto Superior Técnico commits itself to adopting technical and administrative measures that are appropriate to the protection of personal data and not to disclosing to third parties information on personal data of its users, nor information of its accesses, except otherwise required by Law. More details are available in the Privacy Policy.

Privacy Policy

Acceptance and binding

By acceding and using this Portal of the Instituto Superior Técnico, the user declares to be aware of and accept the previously mentioned usage terms and conditions of that Portal, and accepts to lodge all possible disputes that may result from his/her usage of this Portal to the Civil Court of the Lisbon District, which shall judge according to the Portuguese Law.”