Campus and Community

Graduation Day: “Daring to dream big” and being graduated from Técnico

When the clock struck 10.05 a.m., on 15th July, the sliding doors of the Aula Magna marked the beginning of the graduation ceremony of Técnico students who completed their studies in the 2021/2022 Academic Year.

Step by step, one by one, about 150 graduates went down the stairs to receive their diplomas from the President of Técnico, Rogério Colaço. “This ceremony marks the end of a chapter that paradoxically seems to have begun only yesterday and, at the same time, to have lasted a lifetime”, said Francisco Trindade Santos, who recently graduated with a Master’s degree, to the audience. “The academic journey until getting a degree is, by no means, trivial.”, he added.

Everyone remains part of a “community that began 112 years ago” and shares a space “of memories and affections, common to more than 100 thousand people”, highlighted the president of Técnico. Luís Castro, Vice-Rector of Universidade de Lisboa and Técnico professor, feels as his own the “joys and hopes”. “You have the skills for any job and to be successful in the future: boldness, passion, determination, resilience and capacity for work”.

Cátia Medeiros da Silva graduated with a PhD in 2022 from Técnico. “Técnico has moulded my character and provided me with a strong foundation to face the challenges of real life”, said the recent graduate who is now an Invited Assistant Professor at Técnico. “A journey includes both success and adversity. Dare to dream big”, she added. “The future belongs to those who are willing to go further”, she advised. “Técnico students have the privilege of being taught by brilliant minds” who teach “to think critically and innovatively”.

“Attitudes and behaviours can increase luck”, assures Ana Dias, president of the Técnico Alumni Association (AAAIST), as well as “Proactiveness and dynamism” and “true relationships”, like the one she established with her mentor, Mariano Gago. And, as for problems, “being part of the solution” with “optimism and enthusiasm”.

The 14th Graduation Day, organised by Técnico, was attended by the coordinators of the different courses and the Heads of Departments. The diplomas were delivered by the President of Técnico, the Vice Rector of ULisboa, the Vice President of Técnico for Academic Affairs, Alexandre Francisco, the President of the Scientific Council, Pedro Brogueira and the President of the Pedagogical Council, Teresa Peña.
After the performance of Tuna Mista do Instituto Superior Técnico, the recent graduates and the Técnico professors positioned themselves on the staircase and raised their hands with diplomas up for the final photo group.

Técnico graduates come from different places and have different backgrounds. António Costa graduated with a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering after two master’s degrees, 18 years of work and registered patents. The next step is to pursue a research career, because it is “what he likes to do”. Research is also Rita Serôdio’s next project. She graduated with a MSc in chemistry, after a degree from outside Técnico. She will continue to study at Técnico to pursue a PhD.


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