Campus and Community

Técnico launches Ambassadors Programme to promote Guiding Values

The initiative aims to promote the school's Guiding Values and will include training, an annual meeting and an illustration competition.

Respect. Collaboration. Excellence. Integrity. Innovation. The five values that summarise the document ‘Técnico’s guiding values’, promoted by the Técnico Ombudsman Office at the end of 2023, have now more than six dozen ambassadors. The group brings together staff, researchers, professors and students representatives.

The Ambassadors Programme to promote Técnico’s guiding values was launched on 6 March at a breakfast meeting held in the Ombudsman’s office, at Técnico – Alameda campus. The initiative is promoted by the committee responsible for producing ‘Técnico’s guiding values’, coordinated by the Técnico Ombudsman’s Office, which aims to promote informal meetings among the ambassadors appointed by the various departments and services at Técnico, the Guiding Values leaflet and the initiatives planned for the upcoming year: training courses focused on the guiding values, their meaning and the role each ambassador can and should fulfill; an illustration competition on the Guiding Values; the organisation of an annual event – the first will take place on 10 November at the Técnico Innovation Centre powered by Fidelidade, with a roundtable discussion, opportunities for exchanging experiences and socialising.

‘The Ambassadors programme aims to extend the impact of the Guiding Values brochure to professors, researchers, staff and students’, explains Técnico’s ombudsman, Raquel Aires de Barros. ‘We want to contribute to the continuous improvement of the way we work, treat each other, and how we teach, learn and research in the community, so that these Values become a central part of the way we relate and interact. With the help of the Guide and the fundamental contributions of the ambassadors, we hope to recognise and support productive behaviour, and to be able to actively minimise conduct that is considered inappropriate,’ she adds.

The document was launched in December 2023 as a result of the work of an independent committee that collected contributions from dozens of people in the school community. Five fundamental values were identified that should guide the behaviours expected by the Técnico community (respect, collaboration, excellence, integrity and innovation), and acceptable and unacceptable behaviours were mapped within each of these. The document aims to be a practical guide to help improve the way we work, treat others, teach and carry out research at the School.

Any non-compliance with the values and behaviours can be reported to the Ombudsman Office via the contacts provided.

“Guiding Values – fostering an open and welcoming environment”

Coordinating Working Group
Raquel Aires de Barros (Education and Staff Ombudsperson)
Ana Lucas
Beatriz Silva
Gonçalo Moura
Joana Lobo Antunes
Maria Amélia Lemos
Marta Pile

List of ambassadors:

Service Ambassador
Internal Audit Unit Carla Duarte Simões
Legal Advisory Division Nuno Rolo
Management Support Division Helena Domingues
Human Resources Division Ana Lucas
Budget and Property Division Ana Guimarães
Accounting Division Paula Antunes
Projects Division Teresa Malhoa
IC & DT Projects Execution Office Ana Catana
International Projects Execution Office Aldina Marques
Administrative Services Division (CTN) Virgina Saraiva
Nuclear Engineering Laboratory Joana Santos
Laboratory of Radiological Protection and Safety Telma Marques
Radiosterilisation Laboratory Paula Matos
Accelerator Laboratory Joana Flora
Human Resources and Academic Management Unit at Oeiras Campus Ana Paula Silva
Administrative and Financial Management Unit at Oeiras Campus
Technology Transfer Division at Oeiras Campus Maria João Almeida
Graduation Unit Alda Freitas
Postgraduation Unit Júlia Oliveira
Academic Development Office Gonçalo Moura
Applications and Information Systems Division Alexandra Guimarães
IT Division Marta Brites
International Affairs Division Luís Moreira
Sustainability and Facilities Division Rita Espada
Planning and Quality Division Marta Pile
Operations Division Salomé Louro
Health Services Leila Galrão
Library, Museum and Culture Unit Isabel Marcos
Spaces and Services Unit Sandra Oliveira Sanches
Safety and Health Unit Rita Costa
Archive Office Maria José Ramalho
Communication, Image and Marketing Unit Maria Serrano
IST Analysis Laboratory Ricardo Santos
IST Press Margarida Coimbra
IST Works Unit Pedro Rosa

DEQ Ermelinda Maçoas
DECivil Marta Gomes
DEG Ana Carvalho
DEMec Miguel Tavares da Silva
DF Patricia Muino
DEI Ana Teresa Freitas
DECN Sandra Cabo Verde
DM Joao P. Nunes
DBE Cláudia Lobato
DER José Manuel Marques

Gender Balance Group
Beatriz Silva; Alexandre Bernardino
Research Units
Centre for Mathematical Analysis, Geometry and Dynamical Systems (CAMGSD) Diogo Oliveira e Silva
Center for Astrophysics and Gravitation (CENTRA) Richard Brito
Marine, Environment and Technology Center (MARETEC) Lígia Pinto
Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares (C2TN) Joana Madureira
Centre for Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering (CENTEC) José Gaspar
Centre for Management Studies of IST (CEGIST) Ana Carvalho
Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research (IN+) Edgar Fernandes
Center for Computational and Stochastic Mathematics (CEMAT) Erida Gjini
Centro de Química Estrutural (CQE) Marta Alves
Centro de Recursos Naturais e Ambiente (CERENA) José Manuel Marques
Centre for Innovation in Territory, Urbanism and Architecture (CiTUA) Silvia Jorge
Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences (iBB) Tiago Fernandes
Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability (CEris) Mário Garrido
Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR) João Xavier
Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI) Augusto Esteves

Affiliated Research Units 
Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics (LIP) Pedro Abreu
Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores – Microsistemas e Nanotecnologias (INESC-MN) Susana Freitas
Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores – Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa (INESC-ID) Miguel Pupo Correia
Mechanical Engineering Institute (idMEC) Bárbara Perry Gouveia
Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) Ana Charas

Isabela Teixeira

Photo gallery.