Campus and Community

Técnico signs Growth, Convergence and Cohesion Contract with Heads of Department

The contract allows for an annual increase of up to 5% in the Departments' budgets.

The Growth, Convergence and Cohesion Contract (CC3) was formalised on 11 January and signed by the President of Instituto Superior Técnico, Rogério Colaço, and the School’s Heads of Department. This contract allows for an annual budget increase of up to 5% for each department in 2025, 2026, and 2027. This 5% increase represents a real enhancement to the budget, taking inflation into account for those years. ‘I signed this contract with great joy and satisfaction, as it ensures an increase in funding for Técnico’s Departments over the next three years, allowing us to further improve the quality of our academic offer”, said Rogério Colaço.

The CC3 is part of a reinvestment policy, capitalising on the return from more efficient management of the School’s human and financial resources. This contract also aims to provide greater predictability in the budget allocations of each Department, with the Departments now having their budget allocation for the next three years, starting at the beginning of 2025. ‘CC3 represents a significant opportunity to strengthen the Departments‘ budgets, promoting multi-annual investment planning and expanding their investment capacity, especially in human resources and infrastructure’, adds Rogério Colaço.