Seminário BIOTECnico – Andreia Pimenta
“New insights into the interaction of Burkholderia cenocepacia with host cells: Trimeric autotransporter adhesins as pathogenicity factors” - 16h...
“New insights into the interaction of Burkholderia cenocepacia with host cells: Trimeric autotransporter adhesins as pathogenicity factors” - 16h...
“Deciphering Mechanisms of Pathogenesis in Candida glabrata: in the Crossroad Between Drug Resistance and Virulence” - 16h...
“Fluorescently-labeled DNA Probes Functionalized onto Gold Nanorods for Signal Enhancement in Nucleic Acids’ Detection” - 16h...
“Unveiling the complex regulatory network governing antifungal drug resistance in candida glabrata: from new regulators to new effectors” - 16h...
Internacional, interdisciplinar e intergeracional, é assim que esta noite se abre ao debate em centenas de cidades dos diferentes continentes, de...