Seminário QM3 Matéria Quântica & Matemática – David Tong
“How to Give Chiral Fermions a Mass” - 17h...
“How to Give Chiral Fermions a Mass” - 17h...
“The free-fermion eight-vertex model via dimers” - 17h...
“Geometry, Light Response and Quantum Transport in Topological States of Matter” - 17h...
“A holographic view of symmetry -- symmetry as shadow of topological order” - 17h...
“Spin helix states in the dissipative Heisenberg quantum spin chain” - 17h...
“Hierarchy of Relaxation Timescales in Local Random Liouvillians” - 17h...
“Spectral density of weakly disordered Weyl semimetals” - 17h...
“Quantum many-body dynamics in two dimensions with artificial neural networks” - 17h...
“Eigenstate deformations as a sensitive probe of quantum chaos” - 17h...
“Exploring 4D topological physics in the laboratory” - 17h...
Das 40 propostas selecionadas pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) para atribuição do Estatuto de Laboratório Associado (LA), 9...
“Mathematics of magic angles for twisted bilayer graphene” - 17h...
“Simulating 2D lattice gauge theories on quantum computers” - 17h...
“The Fermilab Quantum Science and Technology Program” - 17:00 CET...
“High-dimensional lattice gauge theory simulations at finite density with unconstrained tree tensor networks” - 16h...
“Statistical physics through the lens of real-space mutual information” - 17h...
“Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation of the Lattice Schwinger Model” - 16h...
“Indicators of quantum chaos and the transition from few- to many-body systems” - 17h...