Seminário Probabilidades e Estatística – Matheus B. Guerrero
“Conex-Connect: Learning Patterns in Extremal Brain Connectivity From Multi-Channel EEG Data”. - 17h...
“Conex-Connect: Learning Patterns in Extremal Brain Connectivity From Multi-Channel EEG Data”. - 17h...
“Machine learning for data reconstruction at the LHC”. - 17h...
No âmbito dos Seminários “Probabilidades e Estatística”, promovidos pelo CEMAT (Centro de Matemática Computacional e Estocástica, DM-IST) e CEAUL (Centro de...
“Why things don’t work — On the extended Smale's 9th and 18th problems (the limits of AI) and methodological barriers”. -...
“The Principles of Deep Learning Theory”. - 17h...
“Latent Association Graph Inference for Binary Transaction Data.” - 14h30...
“Zipf Extensions and Their Applications for Modeling the Degree Sequences of Real Networks.” - 14h...
Tema: “Rainfall Extremes” - 15h30-16h30...
“Computational Imaging for Art investigation and for Neuroscience”. - 17h...
“Equivariant machine learning structure like classical physics”. - 17h...
“Skilful precipitation nowcasting using deep generative models of radar” - 17h...
“Are the least knowledgeable unaware of it? A statistical revisitation of the Dunning-Kruger effect.” - 14h30...
“Annealed Flow Transport Monte Carlo”. 17h...
“Operator regression via DeepOnet: Theory, Algorithms and Applications” - 17h...
“Measuring the fine structure of jump processes through extreme value theory” - 14H....
Este é mais um seminário da série de “Seminários em Matemática, Física & Aprendizagem Automática” – MPML@IST 2021, com organização dos...
“Optimization Challenges in Adversarial Machine Learning” - 17h...
Título: "Statistical mechanics for complex systems." - 17h...