Seminário Matemática, Física & Aprendizagem Automática – Yuejie Chi
“Policy Optimization in Reinforcement Learning: A Tale of Preconditioning and Regularization” - 14h...
“Policy Optimization in Reinforcement Learning: A Tale of Preconditioning and Regularization” - 14h...
“Physics Aware Machine Learning for the Earth Sciences” - 14h...
“Learning-Based Actuator Placement and Receding Horizon Control for Security against Actuation Attacks” - 14h ...
“Neural network dynamics in open quantum many-body systems” - 17h...
“How to Give Chiral Fermions a Mass” - 17h...
“The free-fermion eight-vertex model via dimers” - 17h...
“Machine Learning and Inverse Problems: Deeper and More Robust” - 14h...
“Geometry, Light Response and Quantum Transport in Topological States of Matter” - 17h...
“Two mathematical lessons of deep learning” - 18h...
“Robot Learning - Quo Vadis?” - 14h...
“A holographic view of symmetry -- symmetry as shadow of topological order” - 17h...
“Spin helix states in the dissipative Heisenberg quantum spin chain” - 17h...
“Scaling Optimal Transport for High dimensional Learning” - 18h...
“Two-time scale stochastic approximation for reinforcement learning with linear function approximation” - 14h...
“Hierarchy of Relaxation Timescales in Local Random Liouvillians” - 17h...
“Machine learning for Fluid Mechanics” - 18h...
“Spectral density of weakly disordered Weyl semimetals” - 17h...
“Quantum many-body dynamics in two dimensions with artificial neural networks” - 17h...