QM^3 Quantum Matter meets Maths – Gil Refael
“Floquet higher-order topological insulators: principles and path towards realizations” - 17h, via Zoom...
“Floquet higher-order topological insulators: principles and path towards realizations” - 17h, via Zoom...
“Hydrodynamic framework for out-of-equilibrium entangled many-body systems” - 17h, online...
“Anderson localization and local eigenvalue statistics”, 17h, via Zoom...
“TensorFlow Quantum: An open source framework for hybrid quantum-classical machine learning.”, 17h30...
“A new point of view on topological phase transitions.”, 17h ...
“Boundary Obstructed Topological Phases”, 17h...
“Random matrix theory of dissipative quantum chaos”, 11h...
“On the Interplay between Physics and Deep Learning”, 17h30...
“Confident Off-Policy Evaluation and Selection through Self-Normalized Importance Weighting”, 17h30...
Webinar “Four-dimensional semimetals with tensor monopoles: from surface states to topological responses”, 17h...
“Bulk-Edge dualities in Topological Matter”, 11h...
“Topological phases $3+1D$ : the Higher Lattice Gauge Theory Model and its excitations”, 11h...
Webinar: “The insulating state of matter: a geometrical theory” - 17h....
Webinar “Topological theory of non-Hermitian photonic systems” - 11h...
“Laughlin states on Riemann surfaces”, 11h...
Bruno Amorim (CFUM, Depart. de Física, Universidade do Minho, Braga) - “Strain in two-dimensional materials” - 11h...
Webinar “Quantum many-body scars: a new form of weak ergodicity breaking in constrained quantum systems”, 11h...
Webinar "Quantum order at infinite temperature, time crystals, and dissipation", 11h...