Seminário QM3 Matéria Quântica & Matemática – Clement Delcamp
“On tensor network representations of the (3+1)d toric code” - 17h...
“On tensor network representations of the (3+1)d toric code” - 17h...
“On the geometric P=W conjecture” - 17h...
“Box-Cox transformations in Statistics of Extremes” - 13h...
“Topology of mixed states.” - 17h...
“Computational Imaging: Reconciling Physical and Learned Models” - 14h...
“Efficient and Modular Implicit Differentiation” - 14h...
“Policy Optimization in Reinforcement Learning: A Tale of Preconditioning and Regularization” - 14h...
Os interessados deverão manifestar a sua intenção de participar no evento para o email | 21 de maio,...
“Systolic questions in metric and symplectic geometry” - 17h...
“Higher Fano Manifolds” - 17h...
“Non Linear Mean Value Properties for Monge-Ampère Equations” - 14h...
“Physics Aware Machine Learning for the Earth Sciences” - 14h...
“Regularity of almost minimizers with free boundary” - 15h...
“Learning-Based Actuator Placement and Receding Horizon Control for Security against Actuation Attacks” - 14h ...
“Neural network dynamics in open quantum many-body systems” - 17h...
“P=W conjectures for character varieties with a symplectic resolution” - 17h...
“Detecting tail probabilities” - 13h...
“An entropy minimization approach to second-order variational mean field games”, 14h...