Seminário Matemática, Física & Aprendizagem Automática – Josef Urban
“Why things don’t work — On the extended Smale's 9th and 18th problems (the limits of AI) and methodological barriers”. -...
“Why things don’t work — On the extended Smale's 9th and 18th problems (the limits of AI) and methodological barriers”. -...
Seminário em Matemática, Física & Aprendizagem Automática – MPML@IST 2022: • 24 março 2022, quinta-feira, 17h-18h – Online • Orador: dr. Fernando E. Rosas (Department of...
“The MODE project”. - 17h...
“Deep Learning meets Physics: Taking the Best out of Both Worlds in Imaging Science”, 18h....
“Topological Data Analysis and Deep Learning.” - 18h, via Zoom...
“Graph Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition in Particle Physics.” - 18h...
“Combining knowledge and data driven methods for solving inverse imaging problems - getting the best from both worlds”, 15h, via...
“Machine Learning and Scientific Computing”, 11h, via Zoom ...