Lisbon WADE – Giuseppe Negro
Data: 17 de novembro 2022 Hora: 13h30 – 14h30 Local: Pavilhão de Matemática, DMIST, sala P3.10 | Online. • Orador: Giuseppe...
Data: 17 de novembro 2022 Hora: 13h30 – 14h30 Local: Pavilhão de Matemática, DMIST, sala P3.10 | Online. • Orador: Giuseppe...
“Absence of positive eigenvalues of magnetic Schroedinger operators.” - 14h30...
“Static vacuum black holes and Lambda” - 17h...
“Standing wave and travelling wave solutions for a fourth order Schrödinger equation” - 14h30....
“Vertex coupling and spectra of periodic quantum graphs”, 16h...
“Optimal design problems”, 16h, via Zoom....
“Sharp lower bounds for Neumann eigenvalues”, 17h...
“Ground states of the Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation on Graphs: an overview”, 16h...
O próximo seminário online da série “Lisbon WADE – Webinar in Analysis and Differential Equations”, um evento conjunto dos centros de investigação CAMGSD...
“Recent developments on Dirichlet problems with singular convection/drift terms”, 16h (com inscrição)...
Webinar “Nonunique characteristic curves of Sobolev vector fields”, 16h...
“The Vortex Filament Equation, the Talbot effect, and non-circular jets”, 16h...
“Global maximizers for spherical restriction”, 16h30...
“Optimal transport methods for the regularity of 2D functions of least gradient” - 16h...