Lisbon WADE – Harbir Antil
“Fractional PDEs: Control, Numerics, and Applications” - 14h....
“Fractional PDEs: Control, Numerics, and Applications” - 14h....
“On the asymptotic stability of kinks for (1 + 1)-scalar field models.” - 14h...
“NLS ground states on metric trees: existence results and open questions” - 14h...
“On the stability of equilibria for infinitely many particles” - 14h...
“Nonlocal Minimal Surfaces: interior regularity, boundary behavior and stickiness phenomena.” - 10h...
“Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation: toward soliton resolution” - 14h30...
“Stochastic Cucker-Smale model: collision-avoidance and flocking.” - 14h30...
“A SIR-type model with diffusion to describe the spatial spread of Covid-19” - 14h30...
“Concentration versus oscillation effects in brittle damage” - 13h30...