Living at Técnico
Culture and Sports
Keeping active
Técnico promotes academic spirit through a set of extracurricular activities in a multicultural atmosphere, fostering interaction among students, faculty, researchers and staff.
Cinema, drama, music, painting, photography and radio, among many other activities play an increasingly role at Técnico, enabling the development of creative and critical spirit.
- CinemaparaIST – Núcleo de Cinema do Técnico
- Diferencial – Jornal dos Alunos do Técnico
- GTIST – Grupo de Teatro do Técnico
- Grupo de Cantares Tradicionais do Instituto Superior Técnico
- NAF – Núcleo de Arte Fotográfica do Técnico
- Pulsar – Revista do Núcleo de Física do Técnico
- Rádio Zero
- Tecnológica – Revista de IT do Técnico
- TFIST – Tuna Feminina do Instituto Supeiror Técnico
- TUIST – Tuna Universitária do Instituto Superior Técnico
- TMIST – Tuna Mista do Instituto Superior Técnico
Técnico offers its students a wide range of sports activities: basketball, football, handball and rugby, among many others. There is also an indoor swimming pool, a multi-sport field, a tennis court and a sports pavilion.