PhD Programmes

Técnico’s Doctoral School gathers doctoral programmes, offered in association with national and international universities, with the possibility of a double degree. Students actively participate in national and international research projects, encouraged to patent innovative results of their research and to foster an entrepreneurial spirit. Transversal skills are available, and master’s students can start a doctoral track though the PhD Fast Track programme.

Applications and Registrations

List of Courses

Course URL
Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies (DEAACPDS)
Architecture (DArq)
Bioengineering (DBioeng)
Biotechnology and Biosciences (DBiotec)
Aerospace Engineering (DEAer)
Environment Engineering (DEAmb)
Biomedical Engineering (DEBiom)
Civil Engineering (DEC)
Computational Engineering (DEAEngCmp)
Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC)
Engineering Physics (DEFT)
Engineering and Management (DEGest)
Computer Science and Engineering (DEIC)
Materials Engineering (DEMat)
Mechanical Engineering (DEMec)
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (DEN)
Petroleum Engineering (DEPet)
Engineering and Public Policy (DEAEPP)
Chemical Engineering (DEQuim)
Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Engineering (ERPP)
Planetary Health Studies (ULisboa)
Territorial Planning Engineering (DET)
Statistics and Stochastic Processes (DEPE)
Physics (DF)
Earth-Resources (DGEO)
Mathematics (DMat)
Advanced Materials and Processing (AdvaMTech)
Digital Media
Chemistry (DQuim)
Information Security (DEASegInf)
Sustainable Energy Systems (DSSE)
Transportation Systems (ST)