Transition Period
General Information
- As of the academic year 2021/22, all students who have not completed the 1st or 2nd study cycle until the academic year 2020/21, will change their curricular plan to the new teaching model.
- All ECTS credits already completed will be counted and the equivalence plan established for each programme will be applied.
- Exceptionally, during the academic year 2021/22 it will not be possible to improve grades of curricular units completed before the academic year 2020/21 (included).
New Study Plans
All undergraduate programmes study plans and almost all master programmes, including the Integrated Master in Architecture, were redesigned to include the new curricular components.
The new study plans can be accessed through the webpage of each course in Técnico’s institutional website, where the old study plan is also available.
Each equivalence plan is available in Fénix (intranet), in the Student menu homepage, through the transition simulator.
Once activated by the programme coordination, students can simulate their transition to the 2021/2022 study plan. However, the simulation is not binding, meaning that each student will have to enroll in the curricular units at the beginning of the academic year.
The final result should be obtained after the entry of all the grades, to ensure that all the ECTS credits performed are accounted for.
The coordination of each programme may make changes to the equivalence plan or authorise situations not covered by it, if requested.
Summary of credits:
- Balance: differential between bonus credits and deficit credits. The balance will always be 0 or a positive value;
- Bonus: corresponds to the “bonus” attributed in the application of a rule. For example, if in the transition rule the source course unit A with 3 credits and the target course unit B with 4,5 credits, then we have a “bonus” of 1,5 credits;
- Deficit: it is the inverse of the “bonus” credits, that is, when the source course unit has more credits than the target course unit;
- Not Used: Credits not used in the transition due to the destination course plan being completed or due to the groups of the destination plan having missing credits inferior to the source credits, and for that reason they cannot be used;
- Source Credits: total credits taken in the source curricular plan;
- Source Credits (unapproved): total credits pending approval in the source curricular plan (they correspond to enrollments in the current semester or to the posting of missing grades in the current academic year);
- Destination Credits: total credits in the destination plan after transition;
- Source Plan: with the information of the curricular units of the source curricular plan;
- Transition Table: application of the general course transition table to each student’s curricular plan;
- Destination Plan: simulation result where the curricular plan of 2021/2022 and the corresponding credits assigned in the transition process are presented.
Direct admission to the 2nd study cycle
With the separation of the integrated master programmes, the direct admission from the 1st cycle to the 2nd cycle will no longer take into account the scientific coherence tables in force until 2020/21, for all the programmes.
During the transition period, which lasts until 2025/26, it will be possible to enter without applying to a master’s degree, provided that it is considered as a continuation master’s degree of the degree held at Técnico.
This transition period is applicable to students enrolled at Técnico in an undergraduate programme or in the 1st cycle of an integrated master programme in the academic year 2020/21 and students enrolled in the academic year 2019/20, but who have not enrolled in the academic year 2020/21, if they enrol in the academic year 2021/22 in the study cycle in which they were enrolled in 2019/20.
In particular, and following the Regulation for Admission to Masters Programmes:
Admission to a continuation master programme
- Students enrolled in the 1st cycle in 2020/21 and who will finish the 1st cycle in 2020/21, have direct access, without applying.
- Students enrolled in the 1st cycle in 2020/21 and who do not complete the 1st cycle in 2020/21, may take 2nd cycle curricular units in advance without having to apply for Isolated Curricular Units, being the process identical to what happens until 2020/21. Once they complete the 1st cycle, provided they are completed by 2025/26, they are guaranteed direct access to the 2nd cycle.
Admission to a non-continuation master programme
- Students who have completed the 1st cycle or students that will complete it in 2020/21 and wish to continue to a 2nd cycle at Técnico, must apply for it.
- Students who, having concluded or will conclude the 1st cycle in 2020/21, and have already completed curricular units in progress in a non-continuous 2nd cycle at Técnico, may exceptionally enter this 2nd cycle in 2021/22 without having to apply for it.
- Students who, not having concluded the 1st cycle, will not complete it in 2020/21, and wish to proceed to a 2nd cycle in non-continuity at Técnico, taking curricular units in progress, will have to apply for Isolated Curricular Units, within the deadlines defined in the Calendar of Academic Deadlines, and if enrolled they must pay the respective tuition fee.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will the change affect students who are already in Técnico?
All students enrolled in the 1st cycle and who do not complete it in 2020/2021 will move to the new 1st cycle. All the ECTS credits already concluded will be accounted for in the equivalence plan pre-established for each degree.
In some individual cases, the change in the number of credits of the curricular unit may imply the non-accounting of a maximum of 1.5 credits.
The same procedure will apply to students enrolled in the 2nd cycle.
Will I have equivalences from the old to the new curricular plan?
Each study plan has an equivalence plan so that the student does not have to repeat Curricular Units.
I have subjects of 7,5 ECTS credits that change to 6 ECTS credits, do I lose those credits?
All extra credits (1,5; 4,5 or 7,5 ECTS), will be added and can be counted as equivalences to curricular units:
- Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Pre Major options or Integrative Project, for 1st cycle students;
- Free Options, 2nd cycle students.
It will be possible to lose 1,5 ECTS that can not be added up to form a 3, 6 or 9 ECTS curricular unit.
Being affected by the change, will I be able to make grade improvements of completed curricular units?
No, during the 2021/22 academic year it will not be possible to make grade improvements of CUs completed up to and including 2020/21.
Exceptionally, it has been allowed to improve grades in Special Season of Exams of curricular units to which students have enrolled and passed in the academic year 2020/21.
How will my final grade average be calculated?
The final grade average will be calculated with the weightings corresponding to the curricular plan in which the student took each subject.
The subjects that you take in the new curricular plan will be included in the calculation of the average with the corresponding number of ECTS credits in the new curricular plan and the subjects that you have taken in the old curricular plan, for the purposes of average calculation, will have the weight related to the old curricular plan, regardless of the number of credits that the equivalent one has in the new plan.
Note: the calculation of the average isn’t related to the equivalence of subjects or to their new crediting.
Will I be able to apply for a mobility programme with the transition?
The Learning Agreement shall be signed taking into account the new curricular plan.
Can I enroll in a 2nd cycle course even if I haven't finished the 1st cycle?
Yes, provided that the master’s degree in which you intend to continue your studies is a continuation master’s degree. The enrollment in the dissertation will not be possible.
Students who intend to continue to a non- continuation master programme may study subjects of that master programme in isolated course units up to a maximum of 60 ECTS. The “in advance” enrollment in these subjects does not guarantee access to the master degree. Once entered, the student must make a request for equivalences.
- For general questions about the new teaching model, namely enrollment in the curricular components (Minors, Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences subjects, etc.) and regulations, the e-mail mepp@tecnico.ulisboa.pt is available.
- Regarding specific questions about each curricular plan and respective equivalences, students should contact their programme coordinator.