Enrich the Master's Programme curriculum
Engineers, scientists and architects are exposed to ever increasing complex and multidisciplinary contexts. Future jobs will require more comprehensive and multifaceted knowledge, strongly driven by innovation, creativity and critical thinking. Fostering contact with subjects that are not directly related to the course curriculum that students are attending, is a form of providing a broader and fuller education.
An academic minor degree refers to a small number of specific subjects, that supplement the defined fields of education of 2nd cycle programmes by preparing distinctive and more complete professionals. It falls under the optional component of each MSc programme and is equal to 18 ECTS credit points.
Target audience
Minors are for students enrolled in an MSc degree taught at Técnico, as a curriculum component of 2nd cycle programmes.
Students who are not enrolled in a Técnico programme may also enrol in some of the subjects of a Minor, by applying for Isolated Curricular Units.
Entry requirements
Each Minor has a specific number of vacancies and criteria. If the subjects of a particular Minor fall predominantly under the scientific area of a programme, entry to that course is not allowed.
Up to 6 Minors may be chosen on application, by order of preference.
Extreme Environments
Alameda Campus
Never at any other stage in human history has technological development allowed for more detailed knowledge of extreme environments such as the ocean floor or the depths of the solar system. On the other hand, climate change, which is particularly felt in Polar Regions, has had some harmful effects such as the loss of sea ice or the melting of permafrost.
This Minor’s strategy falls under the new challenges that are placed to the scientific and academic community, i.e. to prepare professionals in all areas of science and engineering regarding the observation, monitoring, collection and development of technological platforms of exploration of extreme environments from the ocean floor to the solar system.
Scientific Areas
- Earth Sciences and Modeling (DER)
- Systems, Decision and Control (DEEC)
- Synthesis, Molecular Structure and Chemical Analysis (DEQ)
Target audiences
All programmes.
Vacancies: 30
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Applications of Mathematics in Engineering
Alameda Campus
The Minor in Mathematics Applications in Engineering is recommended for MSc students who wish to supplement their major in Mathematics, with an emphasis on its recent applications to engineering such as data science, structure analysis and robotics, and applications to particle physics and gravitation. In this regard, the offer includes subjects with a statistical, numerical and computational component, which aims in particular to solve functional equations, applications of optimization methods, the statistical treatment of huge data, or even algorithmic aspects of computation. There is also a component of algebra and geometry.
Scientific Areas
- Numerical Analysis and Applied Analysis (DM)
- Physics – Mathematics (DM)
- Logics and Computation (DM)
- Probabilities and Statistics (DM)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Applied Mathematics and Computation;
- MSc in Data Science and Engineering.
Vacancies: 30
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Applications of Engineering in Healthcare
Alameda Campus, Taguspark Campus and Faculty of Medicine
The Minor in Applications of Engineering in Healthcare is designed for MSc students who wish to supplement their major degree programme in topics of engineering, which are typically used in applications in Healthcare, in areas such as biomedical devices and biomaterials, pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries, and also in hospitals and research units in medicine, biology and neurosciences. The disciplines available cover a wide range of subjects, from organ and tissue engineering to topics in neurosciences, medical imaging, neurological rehabilitation and biomedical devices.
Scientific Areas
- Biomaterials, Nanotechnologies and Regenerative Medicine (DBE)
- Biomedical Systems and Biosignals (DBE)
- Structural Mechanics and Structures (DECivil)
- Engineering and Management of Organizations (DEG)
- Systems Engineering and Management (DEG)
- Systems, Decision and Control (DEEC)
- Information Systems (DEI)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Biomedical Engineering.
Vacancies: unlimited
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Big Picture Thinking for Sustainability
Alameda Campus
Solving today’s complex problems of sustainability requires integrated and professional knowledge, which can use that integrated knowledge. The Minor in Big Picture Thinking for Sustainability combines a broad perspective in understanding the relationships of mass, energy and information throughout the history of the universe with theoretical frameworks and quantitative instruments provided by thermodynamics, the information theory, economics, the dynamic energy budget theory, the study of biological and technological evolution and the challenge of considering social/political values to tackle the pressing issues of sustainability.
The Minor starts from an historical angle of study, by providing information in mathematics, energy and information, and covering all phenomena, from the big bang to the present day. At the same time it creates a unified, global and humanist vision of the Planet and Mankind, therefore contributing to the creation of a shared identity and the capacity for collective action.
Scientific Areas
- Hydraulics, Environment and Water Resources (DECivil)
- Telecommunications (DEEC)
- Programming Methodology and Technology (DEI)
- Environment and Energy (DEM)
Target audiences
All programmes.
Vacancies: 30
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Data Science
Alameda Campus
One of the greatest challenges of Data Science is to transform the huge amount of data that is nowadays acquired, stored and communicated, into useful information and knowledge in some sense or for a specific task or objective (commercial, economic, political, social, scientific, medical, …).
Data Science implications and applications are not only in technological and business areas, but also in many areas of modern science, such as biology, astronomy, physics, economics, sociology, climatology and many others. The financial sector has increasingly used Data Science not only to support and assist strategic decision-making, but also in many other applications, from credit assessment to algorithmic trading.
The Minor in Data Science covers a number of disciplines which study problems associated with data acquisition, storage and organization, and information (or knowledge) extraction from that data.
Scientific Areas
- Systems, Decision and Control (DEEC)
- Computer Graphics and Multimedia (DEI)
- Information Systems (DEI)
- Probabilities and Statistics (DM)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Data Science and Engineering;
- MSc in Biomedical Engineering;
- MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering;
- MSc in Computer Science and Engineering;
- MSc in Telecommunications and Informatics Engineering.
Vacancies: 30
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Space Sciences and Technologies
Alameda Campus
The Minor in Space Sciences and Technologies offers multidisciplinary and crosscutting skills focused on the field of space and covers fundamental concepts in spatial physics and astrobiology. Space technologies cover satellite, communication and navigation engineering based on satellites and spatial robotics for orbital and planetary environments.
The Minor in Spatial Sciences and Technologies offers a dynamic and comprehensive training in the field of space, blending both science and technology. In this minor, students can dive into the mysteries of the cosmos with courses in space physics and astrobiology, and explore the cutting-edge world of space technologies, including satellite engineering and satellite-based communications and navigation. This programme embraces a multidisciplinary approach that prepares master students for the limitless possibilities of the space domain.
Scientific Areas
- Computers (DEEC)
- Systems, Decision and Control (DEEC)
- Telecommunications (DEEC)
- Control, Automation and Industrial Informatics (DEM)
- Applied and Aerospace Mechanics (DEM)
- Synthesis, Molecular Structure and Chemical Analysis (DEQ)
- Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics (DEF)
- Plasma Physics, Lasers and Nuclear Fusion (DEF)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes.
Vacancies: unlimited
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Quantum Science and Technology
Alameda Campus
The Minor in Quantum Science and Technology provides multidisciplinary expertise in the emerging field of Quantum Technology, such as Quantum Computing, Quantum Communications, Quantum Internet, and Quantum Sensors and Metrology. These are still incipient but disruptive technologies, which have led to huge investments worldwide and, in particular, in the European Union, where we have been experiencing a great demand for human resources with expertise in this field.
Scientific Areas
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Applied Mathematics and Computation.
Vacancies: 20
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Applied Nuclear Sciences
Alameda Campus and Tecnológico e Nuclear Campus
Given their multidisciplinary and cross-cutting nature, Nuclear Sciences make a major contribution to a broad amount of knowledge and applications in the fields of environment, health, industry, space exploration, materials and cultural heritage, among others.
A better understanding of the physical and biological effects of radiation has an impact, for example, on the performance of high performance electronic circuits in radiation environments and on the planning of space trips. Nuclear techniques have brought added-value in characterizing and modifying functional materials, and analyzing samples in environment and cultural heritage. In turn, ionizing radiation has a wide range of applications, in particular in medical diagnosis and therapy, sterilization, water and food product treatment, pest control, and positive induction of mutations for agriculture. As regards radiochemistry, it has a significant impact, for example, on the study of macroscopic phenomena, such as geochronology and astrophysics.
The Minor in Applied Nuclear Sciences offers additional skills in these topics, which have gained social, economic, industrial and environmental importance.
Scientific Areas
- Chemical and Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (DECN)
- Nuclear Technologies and Radiological Protection (DECN)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Radiological Protection and Safety.
Vacancies: 20
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
High-Performance Computing
Alameda Campus
Today, computing power is a key factor in a wide range of application fields. In particular, the increase in complexity of algorithms and the volume of data to be processed has led to a very significant increase in the use of intensive computing resources. These are considered as an integral part of a value chain in different areas of fundamental research, industry (for modeling and simulation of complex products and systems, such as computational chemistry, aerodynamics and fluid dynamics, geology, oil exploration, particle physics, and even commerce (data analysis, capital market modelling, fraud detection, recommendation systems, etc.).
The Minor in High-Performance Computing provides a wide range of cross-cutting skills associated with the use of mass computing techniques and platforms, in particular, in the development and acceleration of large scale applications and/or large computational requirements.
Scientific Areas
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Data Engineering and Science;
- MSc in Information Systems and Computer Engineering.
Vacancies: unlimited
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Design Thinking
Alameda Campus and Taguspark Campus
Design thinking is an approach to innovation centred on people, their needs and desires, underpinned in the potential of technology and the requirements for business success. Design thinking develops divergent thinking skills, which are fundamental to deal with complex problems and design and evaluate solutions iteratively and incrementally.
The Minor in Design Thinking provides students with knowledge and skills, both in the perspective of the design techniques and methods which stimulate divergent thinking and communication of solutions, and the economic and business consequences in terms of entrepreneurship and innovation. The disciplines allow students to get in touch with a new interdisciplinary area, which has grown in importance to the labour market and are oriented to develop open problems in an active learning environment.
Scientific Areas
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Engineering and Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship;
- MSc in Computer Science and Engineering.
Vacancies: 30
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Circular Economy
Alameda Campus
In the current production system, the amount of waste generated and underutilized is high, which results in a non sustainable waste of resources, including waster, of nutrients/fertilizers, energy and materials. It is urgent to shift the current production paradigm from “linear” to what is already known as “circular economy”, adding value to services and contributing to more sustainable business models, employment and development.
Thus, the Minor in Circular Economy proposes a non conventional structure in which course units will mostly be replaced by small projects, which are equal to 6 ECTS, in the framework of research units at Técnico.
Scientific Areas
- Hydraulics, Environment and Human Resources (DECivil)
- Sustainable Earth Modeling Engineering (DER)
- Environment and Energy (DEM)
- Chemical Engineering Sciences (DEQ)
- Process and Project Engineering (DEQ)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes.
Vacancies: 10
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Alameda Campus and Taguspark Campus
The Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation aims to provide students with practical knowledge on entrepreneurship and technology-based innovation, in particular through innovation and technology management tools, product development, design thinking, technology commercialization, commercial and strategic management, market research, financial analysis and project management. Broadly speaking, the aim is that, on completion of this Minor, students should be prepared to lead and participate in teams that conduct development and commercialization processes of new technology-based products and/or services from the stage of design/ideation to commercialization, and also market identification and research, product/service development and design, business development, financing and implementation model.
Scientific Areas
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Engineering and Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship;
- MSc in Computer Science and Engineering.
Vacancies: 30
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Energy for the Future
Alameda Campus
The Minor in Energy for the Future is designed for students who wish to supplement their major degree programme in skills which cover the challenges of future energy systems. Energy systems are currently responsible for 65% of greenhouse gas emissions. Consequently, the fight against climate change requires the transition of energy systems to more sustainable systems, with low, safe and economically accessible environmental impacts for all. This Minor offers the background knowledge to contribute to solve this social challenge, which is expected to be one of the fields that will generate more jobs within the next 30 years, not only in Europe but around the world. The subjects covered range from renewable energy sources to energy storage and management covering the whole value chain of future energy systems. In addition, energy markets and intelligent networks are optional topics.
Scientific Areas
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering;
- MSc in Energy Engineering and Management;
- MSc in Energy Resources Engineering.
Vacancies: unlimited
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Humanitarian Engineering
Alameda Campus
Humanitarian Engineering is an emerging branch of Engineering which seeks to develop the application of engineering techniques to increase the wellbeing of marginalized people and disadvantaged communities, in particular in developing countries. Humanitarian Engineering focuses on programmes that are simultaneously accessible, sustainable and based on local resources, by developing interdisciplinary projects linked to local communities. It seeks to obtain simple solutions to basic needs, such as water supply and sanitation, energy supply (including for heating), housing, solid waste management, among others.
The creation of this Minor proposes to further and consolidate the educational offer in a field that is anticipated as of huge importance for the pursuit of UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Scientific Areas
- Hydraulics, Environment and Water Resources (DECivil)
- Environment and Energy (DEM)
- Chemical Engineering Sciences (DEQ)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Energy Engineering and Management.
Vacancies: unlimited
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Contemporary Physics
Alameda Campus
The role of Physics in Engineering has become increasingly important in today’s society, which is marked by emerging problems of Science and Technology. In this context, the Minor in Contemporary Physics seeks to ensure a strong component in Modern Physics (Quantum Mechanics and Einstein’s General Relativity), which adds to that acquired in traditional programmes of Basic Physics and offers a core background in Contemporary Physics that is relevant in interdisciplinary areas such as Chemistry, Mathematics, Engineering Sciences and Medical Sciences.
Scientific Areas
- Astrophysics and Gravitation (DF)
- Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics (DF)
- Plasma Physics, Lasers and Nuclear Fusion (DF)
- Basic Physics and Technologies (DF)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Physics Engineering.
Vacancies: 30
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Medical Physics
Alameda Campus
Medical Physics is a scientific subject which corresponds to an applied branch and covers the study, among other things, of physical properties of the different types of radiation and their medical application. The branches of Medical Physics include sub areas such as Radio Diagnostics and Interventional Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, Radiotherapy and Radiology Protection and Safety.
The Minor in Medical Physics provides scientific and technological knowledge which allow students to understand the processes associated with the safe use of ionising (and non ionising) radiation in diagnostics and therapy. It is addressed to a broad number of IST students from different backgrounds, who want to acquire specific skills in the field of imaging and/or therapy equipment applications, contrast materials and radiopharmaceuticals, measurement and assessment of dosing administration, and biological effects of radiations, under the different sub areas that comprise this field of science.
Scientific Areas
- Chemical and Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (DECN)
- Nuclear Technologies and Radiological Protection (DECN)
- Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics (DF)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Physics Engineering;
- MSc in Radiological Protection and Safety.
Vacancies: 40
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Environmental Management
Alameda Campus and Taguspark Campus
Environment and the quest for good environmental performance and sustainability are increasingly more important for a growing number of organizations and products/services. Environmental management, in particular, the one that seeks high levels of performance and basic environmental processes (environmental sustainability or strong sustainability , which ensures integrity of essential environmental processes), is an increasingly relevant cross-cutting skill.
The Minor in Environmental Management ensures a coherent number of skills in environmental management, which are applied to organizations, products, services and material fluxes, waste, energy, carbon, water. It also deals with different business ecosystems.
Scientific Areas
- Biomateriais, Nanotecnologias and Regenerative Medicine (DBE)
- Hydraulics, Environment and Water Resources (DECivil)
- Systems Engineering and Management (DEG)
- Environment and Energy (DEM)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes.
Vacancies: 60
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Industrial and Systems Management
Alameda Campus and Taguspark Campus
In today’s world, organizations operate in global and dynamic contexts and represent complex systems whose knowledge of engineering and business components is key to achieve competitive advantages.
The Minor in Industrial and Systems Management offers knowledge in management, which is of particular relevance to the activity in engineering in industrial context, characterized by complex systems to be managed. It covers a wide variety of topics from project and operations management and logistics, to information systems and methods for systems modeling and optimization that support decision-making. These topics contribute to broaden engineers’ skills so that they can i) make use of approaches to promote an organization’s innovation and strategic development; ii) look critically at the opportunities and restrictions of each operation within an organization or organizational system; ii) manage in a planned and structured manner any operation within an organization, from the project stage to implementation.Scientific Areas
- Engineering and Management of Organizations (DEG)
- Systems Engineering and Management (DEG)
- Information Systems (DEI)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Energy Engineering and Management;
- MSc in Engineering and Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Vacancies: 50
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Sustainable 4.0 Industry
Alameda Campus
The challenge of the next decades will be to ensure the convergence of increasingly more sustainable products and processes with the emerging developments of information technologies and data science. In a context of accelerated pace at global scale, it is fundamental that future leaders of strategic thinking, scientific development, business models and industrial practice, as part of the wide scope of engineering and technology, are equipped with advanced skills to promote a 4th Sustainable Industrial Revolution.
The Minor in Sustainable 4.0 Industry explores strategies and methods for designing and managing production systems, supplementary products and services, and for processing data and sensorial information in an industrial context, which is based on intelligent systems. These skills may be optionally supplemented by understanding and applying logistic management methods and techniques and operations in a context of the so-called 4.0 industry, or by dovetailing quantitative concepts and tools that are fundamental to the analysis of sustainable development, based on thermodynamics and economics.
Scientific Areas
- Systems Engineering and Management (DEG)
- Systems, Decision and Control (DEEC)
- Environment and Energy (DEM)
- Mechanical Technology and Industrial Management (DEM)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Energy Engineering and Management.
Vacancies: 30
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Computer Science
Alameda Campus and Taguspark Campus
The Minor in Computer Science offers additional cross-cutting skills in core topics in Computer Science. In this regard, the strategy of the course units offered is to start with elementary concepts, but moving forward to relatively advanced ones. The underlying concern is that these can be practical knowledge, which enhance application regardless of the student ‘s area of expertise. The course units cover topics in Python algorithm design, computer architectures, operative systems, distributed processing, artificial intelligence and data science.
Scientific Areas
- Architecture and Operative Systems (DEI)
- Artificial Intelligence (DEI)
- Programming Methodology and Technology (DEI)
- Information Systems (DEI)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Computer Science and Engineering;
- MSc in Telecommunications and Informatics Engineering.
Vacancies: 100
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Electronic Instrumentation and Data Acquisition Systems
Alameda Campus
The Minor in Electronic Instrumentation and Data Acquisition Systems equips students with knowledge and skills in Measurement Science of Electronic Instrumentation and Signal Acquisition and Processing. This Minor supplements the MSc major degree programme so that the MSc graduate in Engineering may project and implement measurement and control devices and systems, which are of unlimited complexity; specifying data acquisition systems and instrument networks to more demanding applications and dialoguing with experts who are able to implement them.
Scientific Areas
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Vacancies: unlimited
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Artificial Intelligence
Alameda Campus and Taguspark Campus
The Minor in Artificial Intelligence aims to offer engineers, scientists and researchers sound skills in areas other than Computer Engineering in a subset of areas of Artificial Intelligence. It also equips them with the ability to deal with and solve problems related to the creation of intelligent systems. This Minor will discuss topics such as methods, techniques and algorithms which were particularly developed to equip machines with skills commonly considered as “intelligent”.
Scientific Areas
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Data Engineering and Science;
- MSc in Computer Science and Engineering.
Vacancies: 30
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Computational Mathematics Applied to Finance
Alameda Campus
The Minor is addressed to MSc students who intend to acquire knowledge required for developing, implementing and evaluating models used in the financial sector in order to set up transactions, manage risks and build investment strategies.
The topics discussed allow students to understand financial, mathematical and statistical theory, and get them acquainted with numerical analysis and modern computational methods and tools, which are the pillars to an integrated career in quant teams. Quants design and implement complex models and are currently highly sought after by investment fund management firms, insurers, consulting companies, financial software development companies and central banks.
Scientific Areas
- Information Systems (DEI)
- Numerical Analysis and Applied Analysis (DM)
- Probabilities and Statistics (DM)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Data Science and Engineering;
- MSc in Applied Mathematics and Computation.
Vacancies: 30
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Nanoengineering and Microsystems
Alameda Campus
The Minor in Nanoengineering and Micro Signals offers students a way to explore microtechnologies, centred on advanced micro manufacturing concepts in a clean room environment. Students will get acquainted with circuit design for micro nanoelectronics and may determine and carry out microsystems oriented to several areas. Access to experimental facilities will be provided in the area of advanced production of electronic circuits (thin films and nanostructures produced in industrial machinery). Students will also have an opportunity to get acquainted with an area of Engineering with technological applications in strategic sectors such as microelectronics (components and circuits) or healthcare and environment areas (biosensors and lab-on-chip systems).
Scientific Areas
- Biomaterials, Nanotechnologies and Regenerative Medicine (DBE)
- Biomedical Systems and Biosignals (DBE)
- Electronics (DEEC)
- Physics of Condensed Matter and Nanotechnology (DF)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Bioengineering and Nanosystems;
- MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering;
- MSc in Engineering Physics.
Vacancies: 20
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Nanomaterials and Advanced Manufacturing
Alameda Campus
The Minor in Nanomaterials and Advanced Manufacturing offers integrated and multiscale knowledge and skills in Advanced Manufacturing technologies, including topics in nanomaterials and nano and micro manufacturing bottom-up and top-down technologies, additive manufacturing (macro scale) and industrial integration (4.0 industrial and product development).
Scientific Areas
- Mechanical Design and Structural Materials (DEM)
- Manufacturing and Industrial Technology (DEM)
- Process and Project Engineering (DEQ)
- Chemistry-Physics, Materials and Nanosciences (DEQ)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Materials Engineering.
Vacancies: 30
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Renewable Electricity Production
Alameda Campus
The Minor in Renewable Electricity Production focuses on the field of renewable energies, with a flexible and multidisciplinary programme, which offers students a number of sound knowledge in physical principles and cutting edge technology, in addition to addressing energy, economic and environmental policies. The disciplines focus on power generation and aim to prepare the next generation of engineering researchers and professionals who will carry through the energy transition and the decarbonisation of the economy.
Scientific Areas
- Hydraulics, Environment and Water Resources (DECivil)
- Energy (DEEC)
- Environment and Energy (DEM)
- Control, Automation and Industrial Informatics (DEM)
- Thermofluids and Energy Conversion Technologies (DEM)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Energy Engineering and Management;
- MSc in Mechanical Engineering.
Vacancies: 60
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Alameda Campus
Several decades of multidisciplinary research and development have been dedicated to equip physical robots with Artificial Intelligence, including Machine Learning, Task and Movement Planning and Computer Vision. This area may be designated as Robotics and Intelligent Systems, since it concerns not only an isolated robot, but an ecosystem of sensors and actuators, which includes robots that make decisions autonomously after assessing the surrounding environment.
There are numerous and heterogeneous applications, including robots which interact with people in domestic and hospital environments or senior residences, as well as cleaning robots or autonomous cars. This Minor offers integrated knowledge of several topics, such as control and navigation of mobile robots, decision levels related to tasks performed by a robot or by a network of robots and cooperative sensors and actuators, including perception, the capacity to assess the surrounding environment, the planning and performance of tasks (including movement), sequential decision-making in the presence or uncertainties and reinforcement learning.
Scientific Areas
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Data Science and Engineering;
- MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering;
- MSc in Computer Science and Engineering.
Vacancies: 30
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Decision Support Methods and Systems
Alameda Campus
Effective and timely decision-making is the key to success of any organization. Decision Support Methods and Systems make available structured, analytical and rigorous approaches to support decision-making under uncertainty, increasing quantity of data, pursuit of multiple objectives, group and negotiation decisions.
The Minor in Decision Support Systems and Methods provides students with knowledge of information and management sciences, which combines aspects of problem and data structuring, simulation, optimization, data mining, risk analysis, multicriterion assessment, and group decision.
Scientific Areas
- Urban and Regional Systems (DECivil)
- Systems Engineering and Management (DEG)
- Information Systems (DEI)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management.
Vacancies: 50
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Smart Cities
Alameda Campus
Technological evolution in Information and Communication Technologies, Remote Sensing, Internet of Things, Automation, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, aim to improve several dimensions associated with urban areas: economy, citizenship, built environment and governance.
The Minor in Smart Cities allows students to improve their knowledge about concepts, problems, methods and tools, which are essential to perceive the challenges of cities and elaborate proposals for action that comprise a strong technological and analytical component.
Scientific Areas
- Urban and Regional Systems (DECivil)
- Systems, Decision and Control (DEEC)
- Computers (DEEC)
- Hydraulics, Environment and Water Resources (DECivil)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes.
Vacancies: 50
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Spatial Data Science
Alameda Campus
Spatial Data Science is a relatively recent methodological body, which derives from the increasingly cross-cutting nature of Data Science methods (Big Data, Data Mining, Deep Learning) and its specificities of application to the so-called Spatial Data. Spatial Data is defined as data which has structured spatial patterns that must be taken into account in applications of Data Science methodologies: remote detection data of natural resources – forests, soils, mineral resources, climate, georeferenced urban data; marine geophysical data, subsoil; data banks for social sciences, economics and public health.
This Minor aims to provide students with the opportunity to obtain additional knowledge of Data Science applications to large sets of spatially structured data (Spatial Data) in the areas of natural resources, environmental health, urbanism, climate, economics, environment and oceanography.
Scientific Areas
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Data Science and Engineering;
- MSc in Mining and Geological Engineering;
- MSc in Energy Resources Engineering.
Vacancies: 30
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Biological Technologies
Alameda Campus
Spatial Data Science is a relatively recent methodological body, which derives from the increasingly cross-cutting nature of Data Science methods (Big Data, Data Mining, Deep Learning) and its specificities of application to the so-called Spatial Data. Spatial Data is defined as data which has structured spatial patterns that must be taken into account in applications of Data Science methodologies: remote detection data of natural resources – forests, soils, mineral resources, climate, georeferenced urban data; marine geophysical data, subsoil; data banks for social sciences, economics and public health.
This Minor aims to provide students with the opportunity to obtain additional knowledge of Data Science applications to large sets of spatially structured data (Spatial Data) in the areas of natural resources, environmental health, urbanism, climate, economics, environment and oceanography.
Scientific Areas
- Biomaterials, Nanotechnologies and Regenerative Medicine (DBE)
- Biological Sciences (DBE)
- Biomolecular and Bioprocess Engineering (DBE)
- Biomedical Systems and Biosignals (DBE)
- Programming Methodology and Technology (DEI)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Biotechnology;
- MSc in Biological Engineering.
Vacancies: 30
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Internet Technologies
Alameda Campus and Taguspark Campus
The Minor in Internet Technologies offers skills in computer and internet networks, with emphasis on sensor networks and internet of things, cybersecurity and multimedia communications. The Minor gives students the opportunity to learn a number of communication protocols that support the Internet, encoding techniques that allow for the exchange of multimedia information, threats to the safety on the Internet and how to mitigate them, in addition to specific aspects of sensor networks and machine-machine communications in the context of the internet of things. Other issues are also addressed, such as programming of internet applications, computer network setup and management, efficient creation of multimedia fluxes and sensor network development (using smartphones and single-board computers).
Scientific Areas
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering;
- MSc in Computer Science and Engineering;
- MSc in Telecommunications and Informatics Engineering.
Vacancies: 30
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Photonic Technologies
Alameda Campus
Photonics is a comprehensive term which comprises sciences and technologies that use light as a main tool, among which lasers, optical telecommunications, life sciences and imagiology stand out. Photonic technologies are related to photon generation, manipulation, transformation and detection phenomena, covering the whole electromagnetic spectrum, from infrared to x-rays. Like electronics was the driving force of the major developments of last century, photonics is positioned to play an identical role throughout the 21st Century.
The aim of the Minor in Photonic Technologies is to expose students to the main concepts, techniques and tools of this emerging area, and provide them with the capacity to assess practical situations of science, engineering and industry in which photonics may have an impact and apply the knowledge acquired.
Scientific Areas
- Biomedical Systems and Biosignals (DBE)
- Electronics (DEEC)
- Telecommunications (DEEC)
- Biomedical Systems and Biosignals (DF)
- Plasma Physics, Lasers and Nuclear Fusion (DEI)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Vacancies: 20
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Multimedia Technologies
Alameda Campus and Taguspark Campus
The Minor in Multimedia Technologies provides students with skills required for creating, manipulating, interacting, visualizing, transferring and storing multimedia contents, and understanding the concepts and the related technologies, as well as their applications.
Scientific Areas
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes, except for:
- MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering;
- MSc in Computer Science and Engineering;
- MSc in Data Science and Engineering.
Vacancies: 40
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts:
Technologies for Cultural Heritage
Alameda Campus and Nuclear Technology Campus
The purpose is to allow students to learn more about emerging topics with cross-cutting impact onPortuguese culture and contemporary society. The Minor in Technologies for Cultural Heritage offers innovative, topical and stimulating perspectives about the issues relating to the characterization and timeline of organic and inorganic objects, with a view to valorizing and preserving them. In this context, it is a space for reflection and discussion of ideas by involving faculty, researchers, external experts and students from different scientific areas taught at Técnico.
Scientific Areas
- Architecture (DECivil)
- Earth Sciences and Modeling (DER)
- Chemical and Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (DECN)
Target audiences
All 2nd cycle programmes.
Vacancies: 30
For further information about the subjects, entry requirements, vacancies, partnerships and contacts: