
2nd European NECTAR Conference – 2021

Técnico Lisboa - Alameda Campus

The 2nd European NECTAR Conference, chaired by Amélia Seabra, Isabel Correia and Ana Isabel Tomaz from CQE, will be held in person from 25th to 27th August, 2021, at Técnico – Alameda Campus.

NECTAR – Network for Equilibria and Chemical Thermodynamics Advanced Research – is a COST action dedicated to the thermodynamic study of chemical equilibria, which represents the core of many important branches of chemistry.

NECTAR combines the expertise of a large community of specialists working in this field, creating a network based on the collaboration between them, promoting knowledge exchange, and aiming to achieve high technological progress. NECTAR involves the fruitful collaboration between young researchers and experienced scientists, taking into consideration gender balance and maximal geographical distribution. Innovative and integrated theoretical and experimental approaches are being established and optimized.

The 2nd European NECTAR Conference will be a moment of in-person scientific discussions and engagement between its members and invited participants.

Venue: Civil Engineering building, IST Congress Centre, floor 01, Auditorium.


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