
3rd Conference on Public Health: “Health and Smart Cities”

ULisboa rectory building

RedeSAÚDE, one of the ULisboa Thematic Interdisciplinary Networks, will organise the 3rd Annual Conference on Pulic Health. This conference is part of the event “Novos Desafios em Saúde na ULisboa”(“New Health Challenges at ULisboa”), and will take place on 29th November 2021, from 9:30 to 13:00.

The event will focus on “Health and Smart Cities” and will be divided into the following three sub topics:

  1. “Poluição do ar e Saúde Humana”  (“Air pollution and Human Health”)
    Table 1, 10:00.
  2. “Oportunidades e Desafios que são colocados pelas Smart Cities” (“Smart Cities: opportunities and challenges”)
    At 11:10, professor Rosário Macário (IST/DECivil; CeRIS) will moderate the conference titled “O progresso, o crescimento, a tecnologia e os desafios ambientais do séc. XXI e seguintes” (“Progress, growth, technology and environmental challenges of the 21st century”).
  3.  “Iniciativas das Câmaras Municipais ligadas à Saúde Ambiental e Smart Cities” (“City Halls initiatives on Evironmental Health and Smart Cities”)
    Table 2, 12:00.


RedeSAÚDE aims to set the University research strategy in the Health Science and Technology area and to develop excellent research considering the challenges launched by national and international research programmes.