
Arctic Science Summit Week 2021


The Arctic Science Summit Week – ASSW2021 will take place online from 19th to 26th March 2021, on the topic “The Arctic: Regional Changes, Global Impacts”.

Professor João Canário (IST/DEQ; CQE) is the chairman of  the ASSW2021 Local Organizing Committee, and member of the ASSW2021 International Scientific Committee. He is also IASC Council member (International Arctic Science Committee) representing FCT, and chair of the T-MOSAiC project. Professor Pedro Pina (IST/DECivil; CERENA) is also part of the ASSW2021 Organizing Committee.

On 24th March, at 15:30, professor Zita Martins will give a lecture titled “The Arctic as a planetary analogue for the detection of signatures of life on icy moons of our solar system”.
