Date: From 26th to 28th September
Venue: Oeiras
More information: Official Site
«’Reading the Ocean’ is the theme of the gathering that the Bauhaus of the Seas Sails project is hosting in Oeiras, from September 26th to 28th.
The event will focus on blue literacy associated with the future of coastal cities in harmony with their aquatic ecosystems.
The event brings together national agents and guests from cities such as Venice, Genoa, Hamburg, Malmö, and Rotterdam. The various partners will present and discuss different approaches to these cities in various workshops and working sessions.
Bauhaus of the Seas Sails is one of the first six “Lighthouse Demonstrators” of the European New Bauhaus initiative, promoted by the European Commission since 2020 to accelerate the implementation of the European Green Deal. It involves a consortium of 18 partners from 7 European countries.
Led by the Instituto Superior Técnico, the initiative’s national partners include the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the Municipalities of Oeiras and Lisbon, and the consulting firm Magellan Circle. The initiative aims to create a series of pilot projects that experiment with new models of practicing design from a more-than-human perspective—shifting the focus from humans to foster relationships with various aquatic ecosystems: rivers, seas, lagoons, deltas, or other watercourses. The projects are interdisciplinary, crossing the fields of architecture, design, art, technology, and science. In summary, the sea as a space for creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.»