
BrainStorms: You are not alone! Sense of belonging at Tecnico

Zoom videoconferência

“You are not alone! Sense of belonging at Tecnico” - 17:00 - Registration is mandatory.

Next session is a partnership with Community by Innoenergy and will be in english.

• April 8th, 2021, Thursday, 5pm (BST) – Online (upon registration)

• Title: “You are not alone! Sense of belonging at Tecnico

• Invited guests: Carolina Abreu Ferreira (IST/NAPE) & Isabel Gonçalves (IST/NDA).

• Abstract
“No man is an island” is a phrase often heard, but are we really aware of the extent of its truth? How much do we really need a community? To feel integrated?
We are going to approach these subjects of loneliness and the need us humans have to belong. We will also discuss some ways Tecnico’s already fighting this: initiatives that are born organically in our community and programs that are being set in motion by the responsible bodies.

The participation is free of charge but registration is mandatory.

BrainStorms project consists of a cycle of online talks, every two weeks, with mental health professionals and invited colleagues. Each session has a specific topic and an invited speaker, who will discuss and present solutions related to the topic. Throughout the talk, there is space for participation in a Q&A session after lecture.

In case you lost the previous session by BrainStorms, you can watch them on youtube channel.

Any further question can be directed to:
instagram: saudementalist