
CiTUA Monthly Seminar Series – VitaC

Civil Engineering Museum and Online

25 June, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., in the Civil Engineering Museum and Online (via Zoom)

Date: 25 June
Hour: From 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Venue: Civil Engineering Museum, Técnico – Alameda campus and Online (via Zoom)

«VitaC is an engaging monthly seminar series designed to explore and highlight the latest research initiatives within the Center for Innovation in Territory, Urbanism and Architecture (CiTUA) at Instituto Superior Técnico.

Over the next year, these seminars aim to provide a dynamic platform for researchers to present their work, engage in diverse discussions, and foster innovation through collaboration.

VitaC Offers:

  • Showcase Your Research – Researchers have the opportunity to present their studies, share findings, and gain valuable feedback from peers;
  • Diverse Perspectives – The seminars will feature a variety of topics, reflecting the wide range of research interests and expertise within CiTUA;
  • Collaborative Environment: The series encourages interaction and collaboration among researchers, enhancing the overall research community and promoting innovative ideas.

The first seminar will be held on 25 June 2024. Professor Miguel Amado will present the topic “Interdisciplinarity is an absolute urgency in 21st-century research”.»