
CiTUA Monthly Seminar Series – VitaC

DECivil Museum and Online (via Zoom)

17 September, from 2 p.m. – 4 p.m., at the DECivil Museum and Online (via Zoom)

Date: 17 September
Hour: 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Venue: DECivil Museum and Online (via Zoom)

«VitaC is an engaging monthly seminar series designed to explore and highlight the latest research initiatives within the Center for Innovation in Territory, Urbanism and Architecture (CiTUA) at Instituto Superior Técnico.

In the third VitaC seminar, CiTUA researcher Cláudia Antunes will present her analysis of how artistic methodologies have been used to develop innovative strategies for intervention in public space by artist and architect collectives, titled “Open architecture: art as a method for designing public spaces”.

These strategies aim to promote the greater appropriation of public space, favouring participatory and collaborative approaches. The result of these interdisciplinary practices between art and architecture is the creation of more diverse spaces integrated into their spatial and social context, which appeal to the creative appropriation of public space.»