The Conference Data Science, Statistics and Visualisation (DSSV2017) is the first event of a new conference series, aiming to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the interplay of computer science, statistics and visualisation, and to build bridges between these fields.
The DSSV2017 will take place from 12th to 14th July at Técnico – Alameda campus and will present the recent progress and emerging ideas in these scientific fields. This conference welcomes contributions addressed to a wide audience, in terms of professional practices and scientific interests.
For further information and registration/abstract submission, please consult the conference website: Keynote speakers (Trevor Hastie, Stanford Univ. and Daniel Keim Univ of Konstanz), Invited Speakers (Mário Figueiredo IST, Peter Rousseeuw, Univ of Leuven, Myra Spiliopoulou, Otto-von-Guericke-Univ, André Martins, Unbabel).