Professor Rodolfo Trentin Gonçalves (Department of Ocean Technology, Policy, and Environment, School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo, in Kashiwa-shi, Japan) will give a lecture titled “FOWT developments in Japan and FSI studies at UTokyo”, on 27th May, at 3 p.m.
Venue: Mechanical engineering building III, meeting room.
Since the accident in Fukushima (2011), Japan is putting a lot of efforts to change energy sources, mainly renewable ones. The solution proposed by the government was the wind energy harvesting by using Floating Wind Turbines. The presentation will show an overview of the development of the FOWT in Japan, in which the UTokyo is always involved.
The OSPL – Ocean Space Planning Laboratory at UTokyo is performing a lot of studies to develop new concepts of FOWT. The FSI and FIM – Flow-Induced Motions are important subjects and they are deeply studied by our group. The second part of the presentation will show some research ongoing and also the perspective to collaborative work together with IST.