
Discover Técnico – APIST visit to the DECivil Museum

DECivil Museum, Civil Engineering Building, Alameda campus

29 January, from 12.30 p.m. to 1.30 p.m., in the DECivil Museum, Civil Engineering Building, Alameda campus

Date: 29 January
Hour: 12.30 p.m. to 1.30 p.m.
Venue: DECivil Museum, Civil Engineering Building, Alameda campus
More information: Official Site I Registration (limited places available) I Email:

«The Técnico Staff Association (APIST) is pleased to announce another edition of the ‘Discover Técnico’ activity, which promotes the valorisation of the Técnico’s cultural and scientific heritage.

In this edition, the participants will be able to explore the DECivil Museum, a space dedicated to preserving and disseminating the history of Civil Engineering at Técnico.

The visit will be guided by professor Albano Sousa who will take the participants on an enriching journey through the museum’s historical landmarks and curiosities.»