
Discover Técnico – APIST visit to the Faraday Museum

North Tower, Alameda Campus

March 20, from 12.15 p.m. to 1.15 p.m., North Tower, Alameda Campus

Date: March 20
Hour: 12.15 p.m. to 1.15 p.m.
Venue: Meeting point – North Tower (12.10 p.m.), Alameda Campus
More information: Official Site I Registration (deadline: March 18 – places are limited) I Email:

«The Técnico Staff Association (APIST) is pleased to announce a visit to the Faraday Museum.

Located on the 3rd floor of the North Tower, the Faraday Museum has more than 600 historical pieces, collected from Técnico laboratories or donated by companies and private collectors, generously given to Técnico.

Among the curiosities to be found in this museum are a telephone from 1882, where you can still answer a call, computers from the 1970s, a Gramme dynamo and even a jukebox.»