Why do fireflies light up?
Saturday, November 28th 2020, Vasco Bonifácio, researcher at IBB and Chemical Engineering professor at Técnico will help us answer this question.
Please send us your questions ahead of time to explicame@tecnico.ulisboa.pt or join us live on Facebook.
“Explain it like I’m 5 – talks at Técnico for children and other curious people of all ages” is designed for young people opening a door to get to know Técnico research and the possibility to ask our scientists a question- even at a distance. Older people can come as well, if the children let them.
Saturdays at 11:00, every two weeks, live on Facebook. The talks can be watched later. Due to the constraints imposed by the state of emergency, the next talk (28th November) will exceptionally take place at 15:00.
Why do fireflies light up? (Ep.12)
28th November, 15:00
Vasco Bonifácio, Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences, iBB
• Next talk
12th December, 11:00
Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas, Centre for Theoretical Particle Physics, CFTP
• Past talks
23rd May, 11:00
What if I want to build a robot? | Video – Ep.1
Isabel Ribeiro, Institute for Systems and Robotics, ISR Lisboa
6th June, 11:00
Is zero an odd or even number? | Video – Ep.2
Ana Moura Santos, Center for Functional Analysis, Linear Structures and Applications, CEAFEL
20th June, 11:00
Does the Universe have an end? | Video – Ep.3
Pedro Abreu, Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics, LIP
4th July, 11:00
Does air belong to all of us? | Video – Ep.4
Marta Almeida, Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, C2TN
18th July, 11:00
Is there life in other planets? | Video – Ep.5
Zita Martins, Centro de Química Estrutural, CQE
5th September, 11:00
Can machines think? | Video – Ep.6
Arlindo Oliveira, Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa (INESC-ID)
19th September, 11:00
Can a cat make a computer run faster? | Video – Ep.7
Yasser Omar, Instituto de Telecomunicações, IT
3rd October, 11:00
What is space made of? | Video – Ep.8
Ricardo Schiappa, Center for Mathematical Analysis, Geometry and Dynamical Systems, CAMGSD
17th October, 11:00
What colour was Napoleon’s white horse? | Video – Ep.9
Ana Mourão, Center for Astrophysics and Gravitation, CENTRA
31st October, 11:00
Why do molecules like to flirt in tight spaces? | Video – Ep.10
Moisés Pinto, Centre for Natural Resources and Enviroment, CERENA
14th November, 15:00
Why does the earth shake? | Video – Ep. 11
Mónica Amaral Ferreira, Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability, CERIS.
• These talks are organised by the Science Communication Group at Técnico -“ComunicaCiencia”. Science Communication Group – Research Units
Centre for Mathematical Analysis, Geometry, and Dynamical Systems (CAMGSD)
Marine, Environment and Technology Center (MARETEC)
Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies (C2TN)
Centre for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research (IN+)
Center for Functional Analysis, Linear Structures and Applications (CEAFEL)
Centre for Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering (CENTEC)
Centre for Management Studies (CEG-IST)
Center of Physics and Engineering of Advanced Materials (CeFEMA)
Centre for Theoretical Particle Physics (CFTP)
Center for Computational and Stochastic Mathematics (CEMAT)
Centro de Química Estrutural (CQE)
Centro de Recursos Naturais e Ambiente (CERENA)
INESC Microsystems and Nanotechnologies (INESC-MN)
Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences (iBB)
Mechanical Engineering Institute (IDMEC)
Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores: Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa (INESC-ID)
Institute for Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion (IPFN)
Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR-Lisboa)
Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT)
Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability (CERIS)
Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics (LIP).