Date: 9 and 10 September
Venue: Abreu Faro Amphitheatre, Técnico – Alameda campus
More information: Official Site I Registration
«The second edition of the workshop “Quantum Communications in Free Space” will take place from 9 to 10 September within the scope of the PTQCI – Portuguese Quantum Communication Infrastructure project, whose consortium includes Instituto Superior Técnico and Instituto de Telecomunicações, among other institutions. The event will take place Técnico – Alameda Campus. in Lisbon and aims to showcase the latest advances and research in quantum communications.
More specifically, the workshop will be dedicated to quantum communications in free space, including satellite-to-earth quantum communications, which play an important role in developing a future global quantum network. The new protocols and experimental work will also be addressed and discussed in this context.
The event is aimed at students, researchers, and professionals who want to explore the frontiers of quantum communications and discuss the challenges and innovations required to implement a quantum communications infrastructure on a global scale. The workshop will feature the participation of national and international experts, promoting the sharing of knowledge and the development of an integrated vision on the topic.
The call for posters and talks is open until 1 August. Researchers and experts in Quantum Communications are invited to present their most recent works.
PTQCI’s main objective is to develop and deploy quantum communications infrastructure in Portugal within the EuroQCI – European Quantum Communications Network – an initiative that will seek to deploy quantum secure communications over Europe in the next years.»