
Inauguration of the European Shock-Tube for High Enthalpy Research “ESTHER”

Técnico - CTN campus

The inauguration of the European Shock-Tube for High Enthalpy Research “ESTHER” will take place on 24th July, at 5 p.m. The ceremony will take place at CTN Campus and is held under the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing.

The Hypersonic Plasma Laboratory (HPL), located at CTN campus, hosts the European Shock-Tube for High Enthalpy Research, which is co-funded by the European Space Agency (ESA).

Técnico-CTN (Loures campus) will be part of the future European space missions.


4.30 p.m. | Welcome of participants

5.00 p.m. | Opening Session

• Welcome speech by the President of Instituto Superior Técnico, Arlindo Oliveira

5.05 p.m. | Speech by thePI of ESTHER, Mário Lino da Silva

5.15 p.m. | Speech by the President of the Institute for Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion, Bruno Gonçalves

5.20 p.m. | Speech by the representative of the European Space Agency (ESA-ESTEC), Guillermo Ortega

5.30 p.m. | Speech by the Vice-Rector of Universidade de Lisboa, José Manuel Pinto Paixão

5.35 p.m. | Inauguration of “ESTHER” with underveiling of plaque

• Speech by the President of the Portuguese Space Agency (Portugal Space), Chiara Manfletti

5.50 p.m. | Speech by the Mayor of Loures, Bernardino Soares 

6.25 p.m. | Closing session chaired by the Portuguese Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education, Manuel Heitor

Port Wine will be served at the end of the ceremony

(Follow-up of the visit to HPL)

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