On June 3, 2022, Friday, at 10 a.m., the first “Cabine de Leitura” (Reading Booth) at Técnico will be inaugurated in North garden (Alameda campus), in a partnership with the Altice Foundation Portugal.
Due to the weather forecast, the inaugural session will take place at the Civil Engineering Museum.
10:00 – Opening ceremony
Speech by the professor Miguel Amado, Vice President of Técnico (Facilities and Equipment area)
10:05 – Speech by the eng. Daniel Freitas, Project Manager, Altice Foundation Portugal
10:10 -Speech by the dra. Isabel Marcos, coordinator of the Library and Archive of Técnico
10:15 – Speech by the professor Sebastião Alves, Chemical Engineering Department faculty and author of several books.
10:20 – Speech by the professor Rogério Colaço, President of Técnico
10:25 – Musical moment with the violinist João Marques and the guitarist João Soares (TUIST members).
Access to the ceremony is free.
About the project
This cultural equipment is a telephone booth transformed into a minilibrary, within the scope of the Altice Portugal project with the motto “Take, donate, read, give back”, set in motion by the Altice Foundation Portugal since 2013.
More information. (only available in Portuguese)