
IP Talks @Técnico | Session 4 | Exploring Innovations in Chemistry and Biotechnology

White room, IstarLab, Alameda Campus

May 9th, from p.m. to 2 p.m., in white room, IstarLab (Mathematics Building - 1st floor)

Date: May 9th
Hour: 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Venue: White room, IstarLab (floor -1, Mathematics Building)

More information: Oficial Site I Registration I Email:

«The upcoming IP Talks will take place on May 9, with a session titled “Inventions in Chemistry and Biotechnology – rules, tips, and tricks”. Free lunch for the first 25 registered participants who arrive at the session.

This session will be led by Anabela Carvalho (Patent Attorney) and will focus on exploring cutting-edge innovations in chemistry and biotechnology, as well as the intricate rules, tips, and tricks related to intellectual property in these fields

IP Talks are informal lunchtime sessions designed to bring together the academic community, including researchers, lecturers, PhD students, and anyone interested in intellectual property. These sessions provide a platform for learning, discussion, and networking.»

IP Talks is an initiative supported by Caixa Geral de Depósitos.