
Public Presentation of the Programme for the 23rd Edition of FATAL – Lisbon’s Annual Academic Theatre Festival

Caleidoscópio, Lisbon

On May 7th, at 6 p.m., in Caleidoscópio, Lisbon

Date: May 7th
Hour: 6 p.m.
Venue: Caleidoscópio, Lisbon
More information: Official Site

«The session will include a tribute to TUP – Teatro Universitário do Porto, for its 75 years of uninterrupted activity and for embracing modernity through initiatives that go far beyond the annual theatre initiation course, being an example of resistance, constant reinvention and connection to the present.

From 16 to 25 May, Lisbon’s Annual Academic Theatre Festival (FATAL) will present a diverse programme of shows, gatherings and activities for families that will invade the University and the City.»