

Técnico - Alameda campus

RUITEM Forum – “Rede Universitária Ibero-americana de Território e Mobilidade” will take place on 11th and 12th June at Instituto Superior Técnico on the topic public policies and private initiative.

This forum also includes a workshop on communication that will be organised as follows:

• Speakers have free access to the forum;
• Submission of coomunication proposals – 15th May 2018;
• Acceptance of communication proposals – 22nd May 2018;
• Document format – from 300 to 400 words using Arial font size 12pt;
• The document must include: scope, objectives, method, development, conclusions;
• Applicants must choose and indicate one of the following topics:

o The promotion of Public-Private partnerships;
o General services: water and waste;
o Territory and Development: Mobility and urban renewal;
o Sustainable tourism: Environmental planning.

The proposals must be sent to