• Date: 7th December 2022
• Hour: 1.30 p.m.
• Venue: Informatics III Building, ground floor, FA3 amphitheatre.
• Speaker: Mário Lino da Silva (Institute for Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion – IPFN)
• Title: «A Concurrent Design Facility @ Técnico»
• Abstract:
Traditional systems are designed in a sequential fashion, with engineers working on the subsystems and passing design information to others one step at the time, which may quickly turn into an inefficient approach for large-scale projects.
Concurrent engineering puts all related engineers, with all their brain power and required tools together with the final user representative – or customer – in the same location at the same time. This allows for iterative design at a fast pace, with customers and designers agreeing on requirements and taking decisions in real time to ensure the best design for the right cost and acceptable risk.
A Concurrent Design Facility has been developed and deployed at Técnico. The facility is located in a dedicated room at the Alameda campus and allows for an 8-member team (plus the team leader) to interact locally towards de development of Space-based designs and applications (among others). The facility also allows for remote connection, allowing larger distributed teams to cooperate/interact.
The facility is made available to the Técnico academic community, allowing for its utilization as an education tool, or its application towards larger academic-level projects involving specialists between the school’s different departments.
The “Seminars@DEM” are organised by the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEM).