Date: April 7-11
Hour: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Venue: Técnico – Alameda campus
More information: Registration
The Técnico Holiday Programme I Easter aims to make academic life known to secondary school students, providing them with various science activities.
Participants will have the opportunity to meet students, professors and scientists from Instituto Superior Técnico, be put to the test with various quests from different areas of Engineering, and get their hands dirty solving them.
The activities take place between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. (except on Thursday, when they end at 9 p.m. with a dinner party). On the first day, participants should arrive at 8.45 a.m. to check in before the activities begin.
Planned activities:
- Design Espacial (Space Design) – LISAT Space- Lisbon’s New Satellite (LISAT)
Work as a team to design a space system based on a pre-defined mission scenario; - Unicórnio por um Dia (Unicorn for a Day) – Junior Enterprises at Instituto Superior Técnico (JUNITEC)
Show what the world of entrepreneurship is like, from the brainstorming of ideas, to the investment phases, all the way to the unicorn, pitches, idea development and teamwork; - Garra Hidráulica (Hidraulic claw) – Mechanical Engineering Students’ Organisation (Fórum Mecânica)
Develop a claw made of cardboard, syringes and silicone air tubes; - O Piano de Bananas (A Piano made of Bananas) – Electrical and Computer Engineering Students’ Organisation (NEECIST);
Arduino project where the final product consists of a piano with bananas as the musical keys. Assembly of the entire circuit and programming; - Circo da Física (Physics Circus) – Engineering Physics Students’ Organisation (NFIST)
Experiments: mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity and electromagnetism, optics and waves, and relativity; - Promenade – Architecture Students’ Organisation (NucleAR)
Create and defend an architectural solution based on a pre-defined challenge before a jury made up of NucleAR students; - Engenheiro Civil por Um Dia (Being a Civil Engineering for One Day) – Civil Engineering Students’ Organisation (Fórum Civil)
Build a bridge deck out of kebab sticks so that it can support as much load as possible;
- Biológica: Ciência na Vida Real (Biology: Science in Real Life) –Biological Engineering Students’ Organisation (NEBIST)
Analysis of DNA samples for the detection of hereditary diseases, immobilisation of enzymes and identification of bacterial colonies. - Isolamento do Aroma da Laranja (Extracting Orange Aroma) – Chemical Engineering Students’ Organisation NEQIST)
Extraction of the compound responsible for orange aroma (limonene) from a natural product (orange oil) using the vapour drag distillation technique.