
Técnico MasterTalk – Department of Physics

Técnico Congress Centre, Alameda Campus

3rd July, at 5.15 p.m., at the Técnico Congress Centre, Alameda Campus

Date: 3rd July
Hour: 5.15 p.m.
Venue: Congress Centre, Alameda Campus, Civil Engineering Building (Floor -1)
Participate: Registration (free of charge and mandatory)

Get to know the master’s programmes offered by the Department of Physics at Técnico, the professors, the students and all the opportunities that open up when you come to study at Técnico.


5.15 p.m. | Opening of doors
5.30 p.m. | Lecture: Vítor Cardoso (30min + 30min for questions)
6.30 p.m.| Get to know the master’s programmes with students, professors and opportunities (student support, scholarships, internationalisation)
7.30 p.m. | End of event


Physics is the search for a full understanding of how things work, at the most elementary and thus universal level. In this talk we shall discuss some of the open questions, focusing on developments over the last decade on black hole physics and the primordial universe, with a dive into particle physics.

Vítor Cardoso was born in Póvoa de Varzim in 1975 and lives between Portugal and Denmark. He is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Physics at Instituto Superior Técnico and a Bohr Professor at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, where he is a Villum Investigator and a DNRF Chair. He has a PhD in Physics from Instituto Superior Técnico and did post-doctoral research in Saint Louis (Missouri) and Oxford (Mississippi) in the United States.

His research interests focus on gravitational waves and black holes and the physics of space, and he is a pioneer in black hole spectroscopy and tests of Einstein’s theory. He is the author of a book and hundreds of articles published in international journals.

He was Chair of a European consortium of hundreds of scientists, Chair of the Department of Physics at Técnico and leader of several international Working Groups in Astrophysics. He was a Distinguished Visiting Professor in Rome, Belém do Pará and Van der Waals Professor in Amsterdam. He has been a visiting scientist at CERN, the Perimeter Institute in Tokyo and Kyoto. His research has been honoured three times by the European Research Council.

In 2015 he was honoured by the President of the Republic with the Ordem de Santiago D’Espada for his contributions to science. He is an elected member of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences, a founding member of the Portuguese Society of General Relativity and Gravitation and a member of the Scientific Council of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

Master’s Programmes offered by the Department of Physics:

Master’s Programme in Engineering Physics

About Técnico MasterTalks:

Técnico offers 33 master’s programmes ranging from Engineering to Architecture, Aerospace Engineering to Bioengineering, Engineering Physics to Civil Engineering, Electronics Engineering to Chemistry, Natural Resources to Computer Science, Management to Nuclear Technologies, including Mathematics.
Every month, we invite you to come and meet the professors, and to learn more about the student projects and all the opportunities that are available to those who study at Técnico. The MasterTalks take place on a Thursday, at 5.15 p.m., in Técnico Congress Centre, Lisbon.

Full programme.